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Chap.z8:' ßccording to Se M A T T as E vv. 617. venly hills from whence comes our help, to fee the King inhis beauty, Cbritum reger» iidere in decore A°, which was Bedes with. Verfe 17. They worfhipped trim, but gme doubted] Even Whiles they Worfhipped, theydoubted: yet was not their wor. chip rejeftcd. The Lord knowethhis Rill, s Tim.2, t 9. But they know not himRill, as here in this text: howbeit they are known of him, Ga1.4.9. and their whole way both known andappro- ved,P/al.t.G. Verfe 18. All power is given to me] Clirift premifeth his power, and prornifeth his prefence, the better to pertwade them to fee upon his work,his great work, offubduing the world to the obedienceof the faith. Better may this King of Kings f*, then that King of Spain, Sol mihifernier lacet ; for he is Catholike Monarch : The kingdomes of this world ( and of the other too ) are become the kingdomesof our Lord, and of his Chrifi, and he fbball reign fir ever and ever, Revel. i i. i As for the Saints, how can theybe but in an all,fùfficiency, tich all is theirs, theybe- ing Chrifts, and Chrift being Gods? what boldnef e may they take to go toChrift, as yacob did to yofeph, when he underfcood that the :way of the whole land was in his hand, h-c ? See the Noteon, Verfe 19. Go pee there're] In this my ffrength, as Gideon did againft the Midianites; and, though but abarly cake, courfe and contemptible, yet (hall ye overthrow the worlds tents, yea the UUrong holds of Satan : though you have but lamps and pitchers in your hands, yet (hall ye acheive great matters The Apofiles were thofe white hortes whereupon the Lord Chrift fitting, went forth conquering and to conquer. Britannorum in- accefra Romanis loca, Chris`-to pat-uernnt, faithYertullian. The Burgundian:, much afited by the Hennes, fled to Chrift the Clod of the Chriftians : whom after a long .difpute, they de- termined to be a great God, and a great King above all Gods. Sr Francis Drake tells us of twelve Martyrs burnt for Religion at Lima in Mexico, not two moneths beforehis coming thither. And he that let forth Nero -Englands firf .fruits, allures us of fome of thofe Natives, that being converted to the faith, lived Chriftianly, and died comfortably. And teach all nations] Gr. Difciple them, make then' Chriftians fiat, and then peach them to obferve, &e. vc f ao. T t as ;1.37. Camd . Elitab. Juda.7.; 3. Test., ahoy'. I.adees. cap .7. fIl ed.CbroneL Pa;.41S World en- come, pag.Ig; A1eafrrscat; _. D1feipatarc.