Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A Commextoy upon the Gq el 04.28. as in Saptiftne they have promifed : for otherwife it was pity that font-water was ever fpiltupon their faces. In, the kingdom of Congo in offike, diverte of thole Heathens, by the periwa. fion of the Portasgals, arriving there, were content to become Chriaians, and to be baptized : allowing of the pkinciples of Religion, and profefling Chriff, till the Prief}s pulled them to lead their lives according to their profefTon : which the moll: Abois his part of them in no cafe inducing, they returned back again to their Grog.pag.- Gentitiline. As for the Spani :; Converts in Mexxep,; they fo li- Brecrm,Enq, tie remember their covenant made with Chrift in bapt}tcne,that many times they forger their very names, loon after they have been baptized. Bating them into the name of &c.] Tha[ is, confecrating them unto the fincere fervice of the facred Trinity, andconfirm- ing them by this holy Sacrament, in the faithof theforgiveneft of their lins,and in the hope of life eternall. This is the end, ute and efficacy of Saptifine : which, Pifcator faith, few of the Fathers rightly underflood : Thofe Popií'i Mies certainly did not, who moved this foolifh queflion, An afinus bi6ens ex bap- fetrmcab. a zd tifrvro bibat aquam baptifmi, c fie afinus dicendsas fat baptifa- Ma 1. to ;,cox, tuo 2 Pity but thefe c ueffionites had been prefent, when the *ag,8a. Y 1 P yc°ung fcollar reading publikely the fifth of the firff ofCorinthi- ans for probation -fake, at the Colledge of Bamberg, when he , came to that pails e, Expurgate voues fermentum, &c. Sicut eftis azymi. He, not underflanding the word Azyymi, read :,b'd q s. Sicut efYis afni. The witer fort of Prebendaries there prefent laid among themfelves, Cum a f pientioribus nolumtu huyufmodi audire, a pueris audire cogimur. Children and fools ufually tell the truth. Verte zo. ro obf rve all things] Our obedience tnufi be entire ; as for fubjeet, the whole man, fo for objea, the whole law, That per fe 6 law of liberty. The Gofpel re,gaixetb, that in our judgements we approve, and in our praaifes prove, what thatgood and holy, and acceptable Will ofggodis. Thofe begood Catholikes, faith Auf#in, qui fidem integrara fevetentter, & bonos mores. But let carnali gofpellers either adde pra°tife, or leave their profeflion : renounce the devil and,.all his works, gr elfe renounce their baptifme. As Alexander the great bad one Alexander a coward in his Army, change his naaieorbe a fouldier. k