A COMMENTARY. 0 R EXPOSITION Upon the Gofpel according to Saint MAR K E. CHAP. I. Verfe. z. The beginningofthe Goffiel,&c.] He HiPtory of our Saviours life and death, Saint Mary is recorded to have written at the re- qquePt of the Romans : In the Latin tongue fay Eureb.[ fome (whopretend to have feen the Originali ex GlemeZnre. Copie at Venice) but its more likely in Greek, Widmanilad. a tongue (then)very well known to the Romans Epift. dedic. alfo. He begins with johns Miniftry, Rifling eßt. Syr. over Chrifts birth and private life for brevity fake(as it may feem) thoughPapirs feign many idle relations thereof, and foexpofe us to the _jeans of Jewifh and Turkifh mifcreants. There are that make Mark an Epitomator ofMatthew. But forafmuch as he neitherhegings like Matthew, nor keeps the fame order, but relatethfome things that Matthéw bath not, and other things much larger then Matthewbath them ; judicious Calvin thinks Calvin. Harsh that he had not feen Saint Matthews Gofpel, when he wrote his A as (as