Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

IF/ 2 el Commentary upen the Collet Chap. t (as neither had Saint Luke feen either of them:) but that, being acted by the fame fpirit, they agree foharmonìoufly and happily ; an undoubted argument of the Divinityof the Scripture, which Nazianz. therefore aGreek Father calls ovia r 'mv, every way futa- ble to its felf. Verfe 2. eMs it is Written in the Prophets] Efay and Malachi: fo that there was no caufe why that dead Dog Porphyry fhould here bark and blafpheme, as ifthis teftimony fhould be falfely fa theredon all theProphets,whenEfay only was the Author ofit. Behold I fend my Melenger before thy face] Malachi faith, Before my face, in the perfonof Chrift : to fhow that He and the Father are One. Verfe 3. The voyce of one crying] HereMark begins the Go- fpel, at the p reaching of theBaptift, which the Authour to the HebreWes begins at the preaching of Chrift. Heb. 2. 3. But that . is onely to prove that fo great was our Saviours glory in his Mi- racles that it matcheth,yea furpaffet.h that ofthe Angels,thofe Min raters of the Law.. Verfe 4. john did Raptife in the w ildernef fe] Like as at the promulgation of the Law, the people were commanded towafh theirgarments, and fane}ifie themfelves: fo at the flrft publicati- on of theGofpel, towafh their hands, and cleanfe their hearts; and, in teftimonv ofprofeffion thereof, tobeleeve and be baptifed. for remilïion offins. Verfe. 5 eA71 the Land of ledea]' That is, a great fort of them : but yohnquicklygrewBale to them,7ohn 5.35. Principi- Nmfervet,rnedieom tepet,exitats alget. Weak-Chriftianseafily=fall off.. Verfe 6. And johnWas clothed,&c.] Elias alto was a rough . hairy man. Thofe Worthies, of whom the worldwas not wár- thy, wandered about in Sheeps skins and Goats skins, Heb. rr. but they were like the Ark, Goats hair without, but pure Gold Plutarch. within :of likeBrutus his ftaf e, Cujrss intets folidatm4urum cornea Peach:ens' velabatur cornea. Buchanan feldomecared for a better out-fide, comp:Genttem. then a rogge-gown girt clofe about him, yethis incidewas moft rich. Ffe dideat Locufts] Goodmeat(to thofe there at leaft) though . courfe, and eafily come by. Tartarians eat the carrion-carcafes ofHorfes, Camels, Affes, Cats, Dogs, yea when they ftink , and Leach. Va11y. are full of Magots; and hold themas dainty,as we do Venifon. Verfe 7,.