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Chap. arcording to St MAR :. 3 Verfe 7. Iam not worthy] o 7acob cryed out of old : So the 'Centurion, Matth. 8. So the Prodigall, Luke. i 5. So Peter, Luke: 5.8. SoAugtflip, Domine, nonfum dignus quern to diligae. I am snot worthy of thy love, Lord. Verfe 9. In thole dayes] When the people flocked fo faft to yohn; that they might not miftake him for theMeffias, and that his Baptifme might be the morefamous. Verle 1 o. Hefaw the Heavens opened] Thevifible Heavens: fo that theBaptift law fomething above the Stars : Sodid Stephen; fo could Chrift when he was upon the earth. It is a juft wonder that we can look up to fò admirabl'e an height of the(tarry-sky, Burton ofMee and that the eye is not tyred in the way : Some fay it is five hum. lancholy. died years journey to it. Other Mathematicians tell us,that ifa ftone fhouldfall from the eighth Sphere, and fhould paffe every -clay an hundred Hiles, it would be 65 years or more, before it would come to ground. Verfe n. In whom I mn Well pleated] And inhimwith us? G whom he hath made gracious or Favourites in him thebeloved c>tarcavit. One, rbef.2.5. g vug t Verfe. 12. The Jpirit driveth him] That is, fuddenlycarrieth him (who was moil willing to gó)as that legali fcape-Goat,lirum.. 26. into the Wilderneflé ; and there permitted him tobetempt ed, but fupported him under the temptation,that he came fafeoff again. Sanaci etiam nequaquamfui jurisfont,fed toti f iritus cedunt imperio. TheSaints are as gods. Beck & Check Verfe 13. And WesWiththe wildbeafis] Unhurt by them : as Adam was inthe hate of integrity. Thefe fell creatures faw in Chrift the.perfect imageof God; and therefore reverenced him as their Lord, as theydid Idambeforehis fall, See ¡ob 5.21,22. Verfe 24. 7efus came into ralilee] To decline Herds rage. Andwhereas it may feein thalour Saviour herein took a wrong courfe,, fthHerod was Governour of Calilee; we mutt know,that thePharifees were themen that delivered up iohn to Herod, 4'fat. 17. 11,12. And that, but for them, there was nogreat fear of Herod. Verle r5, :end faring, The time is fulfilled] Thefe were calvi2. int foureofour Saviours Sermon-heads. TheProphetsof oldwere faiaf& wont to fet downfome fhort notes of their largerdifcourfes to thepeople, and to flen them to the doores of the Temple, till Aaa z the