b.Hall's Epf(i. efeead.t.Ep,y. A.Corémetstnr." upon the'Gofliel Chap. ><. the people had read them. And then they were taken down by thePreifis, and laid up forthe üfe of pofterity. Verfe 16,17iJ.8,19,20.]. See the NotesonMatth.4.18. &-c. Verle 21. Heentred into the Synagogue,and taught]This is no. tedas reniarkable in Saint 1llark, that heoften incukateth that our Saviour taught.. Verfe 22. e 4nd they were atcnifhed] If it could befail of Dr. Whitaker, thatno manever faro him without reverence, or heard him Without wonder; Howmuchmoreof Chrift , fith grace was poured into hi_` lips? Pfal. 45.2. As one that hadauthority] Seeft thou a Preacher deliver the Wordwith ungular authority (asPaul, webeleeve therefore we fpeak)efteem himvery highly forthe works fake. The Corinthians are checkt, for that they wereunruly, and would raign without `Paul, r Cor.4. And not as the Scribes] Frigidly and jèjunly. Didit thoubeleeve thy felf, thouwouldit never plead thyclients caufe fo coldly and. carelefly, Paid Cicero tohis adverfary. Verfe 23. With anunclean¡irit]Gr.In an unclean fpirit. An un-' regenerate man is in maligno pofittu, as St. yohn faithof theworld. He is inverfasdecalogus : whole evill is in man, and whole man in, evill,till at laft (without grace) he be fatanized andtransformed into a breathing Devill. By reafonof the inhabitation ofunclean, fpirits,our spirits have in them Trenches,Cages, FortsandWrong.: holds ofSatan, 2 C'or. 10.4. Verfe 24. what havewe to do with thee ?] Not to do with Chrift, andyet vex a fervant of Chrift ? Could the Devill fo mif take him, whomhe confeffed ? It is an idle mifpriuon,, to fever the fenfe of an injury done to. any of the members, from the bead. Thou ?efu ofNazareth]: Though the Devilsconfeffed ChriW tobe theHoly oneofGod, yet they call him 7efuc of Nazareth; to nourifh the errour of the multitude that thought he wasborn' there,and.fo,not theMeflìas, Neither did the Devils cunnning fail himherein,as appears, 7ohn 7.44 Art thoucome to defiroy to ?] Before the time r filch is the in. finite goodneflèofGod,.that.he refpits evenwickedmen and fpi-; tits, the utmoft of their torments. Iknow theewho thouart] This he fpake, not tohonour Chrift but