Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. 2. according to St M A RK. but to deingratehim , as commended byfo lying a fpirit,. Lau- dari ab illaudato, non eft law , faith Seneca. . The holy one of cod] Some rell in prayßng the Sermon, and fpeaking fair to the Preacher. The Devil! here did as much to Chrift, to be rid of him. So did Herod. Mark;6.2o_ Verfe 25. Hold thy peace] Capifrator, be thou haltered up,or, ma,Cwanzr. muzzled. Chrift wouldnot hear goodwords fromanevil! mouth. High words become not a fool, faith Salomon.. TheLepers lips should becovered according to theLaw.." Verfe 26. er4ndWhen the unclean Jirit hadtorn him]So hewill ferve all that he is nowat inne with,as Brafordhàth it. You are'th& Seim. of Rep. Devils birds(faith he to all wicked ones)whomwhen hehathweltp. 70. fed, hewill broach you, and eat you, thaw you and champ you, worldwithout end, in eternal! woe andmifery. And criedwitha loud voyce] But fail nothing : according to verfe 25. He came out ofhim] With as ill a will goes the worldlings foul Job zß.8, out ofhis body. God tears it out,as lob fomewhere hath it, death, makes forcible entry. Verfe27. For With authority] Ashe taught,fohe wrought with *ad, authority. The fame word is ufed verfe22. Verfe 3o. Sickpfafever] Which the Greeks denominate of vptiTds. the heatthat is in it : theGermans of the cold. See theNote on Matth. 8. 14. Verfe 32. When the Sun didfet].And the Sabbath was ended;; for till then manyheld it not lawful!. Verfe 34. Sufered not the Devils to jeak,1For what calling had they topreach the Gofpel Verfe 35. eflnd in the morning, &c.] The fitteft time for prayer , or any ferious bufinefle. Therefore not only David, Pfalme 5._ verfe 3. and other Saints , but alfo hea- thens chofe the morning cheifely for, Sacrifice r as. Neftor. in Homer,, the Argonauts in Apolloniu4:. The Perfian Magi fang Hynines to their gods at break of day, and worfhipped the rifing Sunne. The Pinarii and Politii facrificed every mor- ning and evening to. Hercules, _upon the great. Altar at Rome,.. Verfe 38. Let us ge into. the next Townes] The neighbouring xeue70s Burroughs,fuchas were between aCity and atown.Though fecret Rrayet-