Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A Commentary tarot') the GOel Chap. 2. prayer were£weet to our Saviour, yet he left it to preach and profit many. Verfe ço. Befeeching him, &c.] Morbi virtutum oficina, faith Comdex. oflmbrofe. We-are belt, whenweare woth, faith another. There- fore King eXlueredprayedGod to fend him alwayes fome fick- neffe. Verfe 41. Touchedhim] Impenra gratis & bonitatis fignum& tef fern, faithCalvin. And fo it is of his infinite goodneffe, that he will touch our menu ruous clouts, take at our hands our polluted performances. Verfe 45. Couldno more openly enter] For preffe ofpeople, he was fo frequented,that he was forced to withdraw. CHAP. II. Verfe r. e/Indit Was noyfed] 1"He Sunof righteoufnefl'e could as little lie hid, as the Sun in 1 Heaven. Verfe 2. Many were gathered together] Erafnau.* obfervcth, that Origen, in his Sermons to thepeople, chideth them for no- thingmore, then for their thinafl'emblies tohear theWord, and Fyafm. in vita for their careleffe hearing of that, which they ought toattend to orig. optrib. with utmofl: diligence re5tejudicens, faith he, /line e f fe precipwom prefix. pietatisprofeElum ant defeElum. Verfe 3. whichwas borne offoure] apprehenfis quatuor 1cft txtremitatibur, vivocadaveri perfimilis. Wicked men are living ghoífs,walking Sepulchersof themfelves. Bring them to Christ that they maybe cured. Verfe 5. when he fay their faith] By their works as the goodneffe of the promifed Landwas knownby the grapes and fruits, brought backby the Spy-es. In all our good works, Chrifts eye is upon-our faith, withoutwhich, it's impoliîble to pleafe cod. Verfe 6. But there'yere certainof the Scribes] Little doPrea- chers know when they preach, what hearers fit before them. ¡Ira- neofel of quad api mel. Some Of our hearers carryfel inaure, as its fàidof foure creatures, they carry their gall in their ears. Verfe 7. Who aim forgive limos, &c ?] Man may remit the tre(jiaffe,God only the tranfgrefon. Verfe 8.