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Chap. 2. according to St MARK. 7 Verfe 8. Perceived its hisllyirit] That is, byhis Deity,as i Tim. '3. 16. Heb. 9. 14. Or, by his own fpirit, as i Pet. 3.8. not by in.. fpiration, as 2 Pet I. ao. Mathpower onearth] Chriftus jure divino omnia f - ciebat, non injuftâ aliqua virtuteac tyrannicâ. Chrift did all in his Fathers right, andnot perforce. Verfe 1 r. I fay unto thee, arife]Seehere our Saviours letters teftimoniall, wherebyheapproves his authority and power tobe authentick. reare our Epiftle faith the Apoftle,. I Cor..3. 2. Verfe 13. Andhe taught them] To teach us, that nothing can bebetter andmore ufefull to the Church,.thenwholfome teach- ing ; which thereforeour Saviour never neglected. It was grown . to a Proverb at Conftantinople, Better the Sunfhould not fhine,then Chryfoftome not preach. Verfe 14. And as hepaffedby he fall Levi] Our calling is of free grace,Ezeck, i6.6., Efay 65. a. The Scribes and Pharifees are let alone,and thisPublican called to the work. end he arofeandfollowedhim] Leavinghis gainful' trade, and followinghis own ignominy, ruine, death. Nihil hie difputat un-- ,de viveredebeat : faith fears no famine Chrift is an univerfall- Good, an All in all. Verfe 15. Many Publicansand 'inners fate alfo] All at Mat the,ves charge ;, and he thought it well beftowed, to bring them toChrift. S8Paul, being himfelf allured of falvation, could do_ or fuller any thing for the falvationof his poor country-men,Rom.. 8.38,39. withRom49.1,2.. Verfe 16. Theyfaidunto his `D'ifciples] They durft not fay it Ewa ,de Aran toHim :Where the hedge is loweltthe beaft breaks over. The poet. Devill, as the Poet ---qua de /erat renitefcere po(fe, relinquit. What he hopes not toeffect he never attempts. Verfe 17. He faith unto them] Though not for theirfakes (for bee knew it was to no purpofe) yet for his other hearers fakes, he makes Apology, yer. 3.14, 15. Godoft givesa Paftour after his ownheart, fora few that are to be converted. Verfe 18.. The D;fciples of John and of the Pharifèes] Beta notes that onely hhreand.Math. 22.. r.6... Luke 5.24. is mention made in the Gofpel ofthe Pharifees Difciples,unhappy doubtlefë. in filchperverfe Tutors, fomewhata kin to Trot-agoras', ofwhom. Platowriteth thathebraggedof this, that whereas he had lived thr.eefcore.: