A..Corm'oentary upon the Gof1el Chap. 2, Tlato ix e threefcore years , he 'had fpent forty of them in corruptingoi none. -youth: Verfe 19. while the Bridegroom o with them ? ] Chrift is inei -in ore, melos in acre, jubilum in corde. There cannot be but mufick inhis Temple. Verfe 20. Then (ball they Mt] Novices are not to be tied to the aufferity of Religion. The Pharifees are revived in the Ana- Càlvin.inMar. baptifts, qui initiatir Chriflo ne rifum quidem mediocremadmit- 9.15- tunt, faithCalvin. Capiflranau the Minorite, fent by the Pope in- to Germany andother Countries Anno 1453. to preach obedience to the SeeofRome, gat a great dealeof credit to his corrupt do.; c rine, by Inch a Pharifaicall feverity. Sed.tales Doaores meretur Funccrìte in mundusfuofaflidio veritatis,faith one,they that wil not receive the Chronolog. truth in love,are left to the efficacy oferror. 16,17 . Verfe 21. No man feweth] See the Notes on Matthew 9, 16,17. Verfe 25. Have ye never read:?] SatU. falfe q. d. Ignoratir adhuc, quod adeonotum & tritum. .hirer ego veftram vel infciti- am, vel ignaviam. Its a fhame for you, that you are yet fo ftupid, or fo flubborn. Verfe 26. And to them that, &c.] Though meaner men than David. Verfe 27. TheSabbathwas madefor man] That is, for mans fafety and advantage. Ashewould be undone without it, hee would growwild, and forget God : fo, if it Rand in the wayof his fafety, it is not to be obferved; as'if an enemy then affault us, wemay fight withhim. Pompey could never have taken 7erufat- lem, but that the fuperflitious Jewes refufed to defend themfelves on the Sabbath:which when heobferved,he then,on that day moft feircelyaffaulted them and took their City. Verfe z8. Therefore the Son of man] This Lordfhip taking beginning in Chrift, feems to be, from him, derived to all that are in Chriff. AsTfal. 8.4, 5.comparedwith Heb. 2.6, 7. Whatever David fpeaks of man , is applied to Chrift, and fo is proper to the Saints, by vertue of their union with Chrift. io Ca/f+Na CHAr: