Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

imiummommommiwilmwmpow Chap. 3 according to SC 1VI A Ax. 9 CHAT!. III. Verfe I. There suits awn there,&c.] A Fit òbje& incitethand fhould elicite our bounty. Where God.fets us up an Altar, we fhould be ready withour Sacri- fices, with fish Sacrifice God is well pleafed, Heb. t 3.i6, Verfe. 2. Mind they ,Watched him] So carnali men do ftill ¡nags:few. watch and pry into profeffors and their converfation, i Pet. 3. 2. curioùflyòbferving what they may catch and carp at. But it is a brave thing to thráttle envy, to flopan evil! mouth, to deny them occafionto blafpheme, as Chrifl did ; to lead convincing lives, as h8. and Marl .Bradford and 73ucer did, whom neither their friends could fuffici- cntlypraife, nor their foes find any thing to faften on. Verfe. 3. Stand, forth] That the miracle might be notified, and Godthe more glorified. It is a difhonour to a parent to hanghis picture ina.darkcorner : fo here, we fhould (how forth the ver- tuesofhimwho hath called us, r I'et. z,9. Verfe 4. To dogoodor to do evil!] Not to do good. then , as there is opportunity, is to do evil!. .9,ái.; non, cúm poteft fery it, otcidit. Non faciendo nocens, fed patiendo fuit, it is Paid of the Emperour Claudius. Not robbing only, but the not releivingof thepoor, was the rich mans ruine, Line16. paffive wickedneflé is tasked inTome ofthe Churches, Rev. 2. & 3. Tofave life] 7r. foule,.for man, andman for the body of man. So Pfal.. 16. Thou wilt not leitvemyfoul° in the grave, that is, my body,as Piftatorfenfeth it. Verfe 5. With anger, being greived] A fweet mixture of fin- lefle paffions.It is difficult to kindle,and keep quick the fire ofzeal fYá, °° withoutall fmoke offin. Verfe 6. with the Herodians] Whom yet they. hated in their hearts; but they can eafily comport and comply to do Chrifl a mifchief; as concerning .that Chrift pertained to Herod!' ju_ rifdiaion. Verfe 8. From beyond ?ordan] This Country by yofephtzs is 'RE evv called Ienea, as ZJltrajeSum in Germany; iop ik\re- Verfe 9. Left'th. ey Jhhouuld throng him] Gr. afFia him, preffe, ar gt,i(3ra us. pinch him, as they did. : a peice ofhis paflion, verfe io. Verfe. to. efts many, as had plagues] Gr. (tripes; fcourgings. uasí}are. Whom the Lord lovethhe chalteneth with leffer and lighter A:4-- 11111 FFrans_