Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Io ef Commentary upen the Vet Chap. 4. Heb.iz.ó , eons ? and fcourgeth every forme, &c. with hard and heavie Non vutgarec judgements, as plagues, banifhments, perfecutions, &c. Oh the. morbi fed f. bloody wailes that God hath left on the back of his belt chit- viores, c'r in. dren 1 raflutati, qui Verfe ii. Thouart the Son,&c.] The matter is well amended grraficlaritant Dace Satanshríl on-fet upon Chrift. Then it was , If thou be the de traea pena Son of cod. The fame power,when he lifteth, can change the note oftheTempter to us. Verfe 13. And calleth unto him idiom:he would]- Neevolentis; necvolantù, fedDeimiferantis, as a Nobleman, after Paul; gave it for his Motto. Itù not inhim thatwilleth nor inhim that runneth, thoughhe run as faft as a bird can flip :. but in Cod that fheweth mercy. Verfe 14. That theyfbouldbewith him] As his houfhold fer.. vants, more happy herein then thofeof Salomon..Chrifl hath ma- nyretainers,few fail andfaithful' fervants that follow him in the regeneration .There are thofe that will wear his livery , but ferve themfelves. Verfe 16. .And SimonhefirnamedPeter] Not now, but after. thatfamous confel1ionof his, Matt/J.16. 11'4 '4 W-24P1' V. 17. Boanerges]" Syr. Benai-regefchi,filii fragoris. Naz. faith AEvept' they were fo called forthebignefle of their voyce. àFarellus was_ famous for his loud fpeaking : when the envious Monks rang the Bells todrówn his voyce as he was preaching at Metù, ille contra ad ravim ufque vocem intendit, nec vinc% fe a firepitu ullo paf/us Melch. Ac4 eft. But.theremay be a great. deale of. force in a low language. vita 114. Bafill was faid to thunder in his preaching, lighten in his life. Hie rem was.calledBadmen Ecclefiaflicum,AthanafiusMapes &Ada. mas.ALoaditonefor hisfweetneffe, and an Adamant forhis fotit-, neffe. The Apoflles had fiery tongues, but yet cloven. Barnabas. andBoanerges,The fon ofC'onfolationand ofThundermake a good mixture, The 'good Samaritan poures in wine to. fearch the fores,. andoyle to fupple them. Difcretion muff- holdzeal by the heel, as 7acob did his brother : thefe two mull be as the two Lions. that fupported Salomons Throne.. He that hath.them; may be a Mofes for his meekneffe,, and a Phineas for his fervour 9a0/. Epzt. It, was a good caution that oecolampadius gave. Farellns, E vangelizatum,., non maledicî sm mifus , etc. laudo zelum, moda, non defideretur manfuetudo, &. Thou art fent, not to raile, Wt. to. reveale holy truths in meekneireofwifdome. Verfe 18.,