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Chap. 3. according to St M A RK. II Verfe r8. And Bartholomew] See the Note on Matthew 'lc. 3. Verfe r9. And they Went into the haute] But couldnot relt vtatth. /z. ZZ. in the houle : fora d.emoniack was brought home to him , and the multitude met to hear, and Chrift gratified them, with theneglect of himfelf. Now to all his he faith, as Abimelechdid to his fouldiers, what yee have feen me do, make hafÈe and daludgt9 42. as I have done. Verfe 21. They Went out to lay hold an him] Some read, to lay hold on the multitude, as madde becaufe fo eager and ear- pef, that they left not our Lord liberty for his neceffary re- pofe and repaft. But if it be meant of Chrift, his mother alto may teem to have been in the common errour, Verfe 31. Verfe 22. Ty the Princeof Devils, &c,] A devilifh blafphe- my , occafioned perhaps, by the formercalumny of his kinfmen. What advantages make our adverfaries of our fmaller differen- tes ? Every fubdivifion is a ftrong weapon in thehand ofthe con- traryparty. Verfe 23, 24, 25, &c. See theNoteon Matth.12.25,26. Verfe 29. Hath never forgivenfe] andyet Bellarmine teach- tth, that the fin againft the holy Ghoft maybe forgiven, Lib. 2. de poenitentia cap. 16. But it may be he was of their opinion Dax. Ha of that taught here in England in the reign of Henry 3. that to Engl.fol.163. queftion the Popes fanctions, was the finne againft the holy Ghoft. Verfe 31. Then came his brethren] Here the Evangelift re- turneth to the Hiftoryhe had begun to let forth, verfe 21. Verfe 33. who ù my mother, &c.] Bifhop Ridley is likewife A¿t, & Mort Paid to have been very kind to his kinsfolks, yet not bearingwith fol. 1559. them any o.therwife then right would require. CHAP. IV. Verfe z. He taught themmany things by Parables.] MInifters muff likewife fetch comparifons from thingsmoft fa- miliar)and belt known to theirhearers : as the Prophets from Rhh n fill s.e ...han