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I 2 it Commentary upen the Clef. Chap. 4.s when theyhave to deale with the Egyptians , from flocks and herds; when with the Arabians, fromMerchandife and Navigati.. on; when with the Tyrians and Sidonians,&c. And as our Saviour from fifhing,when he dealethwithfifhers:fxom lowing whenwith feedfmen,&c. Verfe 3. Hearken, behold] Chrifl well knew the ficklenefl'eof mens fpirits , and how every fmall matter calls them off, when moll carnally fet tohear : See theNoteonMatth.13,3. Verle 4, 5, &c.] See theNoteson Matth.13.3,4,5,&c. w'vaSá'vopra Verfe 8. Fruit that (prang up andincreafed] This is fpoken ii koi ¿uExvon- oppofition to the thorny ground, where the thorns grow up to- 74 getherwith the corn, and over-top it : Whereas the good ground brings forth fruit increafing, and afcending : and although it have many thorns, yet grace is fuperiour to corruption , and keeps it under. Verfe 11. Vnto them that are without] That are in the Church;, but not of the Church. Shee hathherhang-byes,that are as Wens . or botches to the body. tp 7u aline Verfe 12.] See the Note onMarrh.13,14,&c. á*zuç. Verle 16. Immediatly they receive it With gladneffe] As chil- dren run away withTweet-meats. But the new-birth is feldàme without pain, andwithout a flux of mortification. Leap-Chrifli ansprove Apoftates. Verfe 21. Isacandle brought] Or lighted, g. d. Take thebenefit of the light of the Gofpel, fuller it not to Elandunder a bed ot bufhell: for there is nothing hid, viz. in our hearts but it (ball be o- pened, viz. by the power ofthe word moll plainly. Lex, lux, the word is a curious critick., Heb. 4. 12. Verle 24. Take heed Whatyou hear] As thehusbandman is ve. ry curious in the choyce of his feed. Verfe Ibid. Shall morebe given] fc. If you bring with you a Roane ofyour former hearings. He that hears as he ought, every timehe hears he grows fomething more rich.: hepicks up theGo. fpels pearls, and prefents them to God thenext time, that he may have more. The good foul cannot bewithout Some daily comings in fromChrif}. Verfe 25. For hethat loath to him fball he given"Grace grows john "sä by exercife, and impairs by idlenefl'e : As that fide ofthe teeth Róm,_a, which is !nit ufed inchewing,is apt to have more rhume fettleup- n iCahoughboth armes grow, yet that which a man ufe eh, isthe