14 A Commentary upon the Go. Ipel Chap. 6. fore cryes three! times in a verfe, e/%ake. Verfe 79. Peace be ftill] That is, have done quickly : fo much the ingemination imports, gen. 41.32. Perge ccatra Verfe 4o. why are yee fo fearfull ? ] Increpatiocunt admira, tempefatem : tione : As their, Mailer, careit thou not, &c. was interrogatio con- Cafforms arts, querent s 0- reprehendenris. But if Crefar in a tempeft could bid cæfarir. Plus, the Barge-man be of good chear, forhe carried over the fortune of C.efar, which could not mifcarry ; how much more might thofe that were upon the fame bottomwithChrift, have beene confident of a fafearrival! ? CxAP. V. Verfe 4 -man with 4n unclean fpirit] ,are:vuaTt Recé. Inan unclean fpirit, quod eum fpirittu gteafi inclufunn "r9uPzn, rentrer. So the flefh iscalled the oldman,as if it were the whole Beza, of a natural!man : and the Devil! is faid to work efe5ttoally in fuch, Ephef. a. 2. See the Note onMark. r. 23. Verfe 3. who hadhis dwelling among the To?pbi] The burial!- places of the Saints were anciently thought tohave a kindof ho- lineffe,in them. Hence grew that fuperftition of meeting and praying together at the Saints Sepulchers; and afterwards of praying forthea ,andto them. Which to foment the Devil! ufiu- allyhaunted filch places, thereto playhis pranks. Verfe 4, 5, 6.] See theNotes onMarth.8.zg. Verfe 7. Iadjure theeby god] Exemplum horrendum impuden- t1æ fceleratorum ¡ irituum, faith Reza. To adjure one, is to take an oathof him for our own fecurity. An oath is not rafhly to be undertaken, but by a kindof neceffity, when it is exacted. Hence the HebrewNij7bang is a paffive, and Ggnifieth 7'o be (worn, ra- ther then to fear. Verfe 9. My name is Legion] That is, a multitude. A legion wascommonly among the Romans faith (Ifidore)Gx thoufand ar- med fouldiers. So many Devils were gotten in one poor man. Let ass in him fee, what the belt of ushave deferved : and,Pithwe have tfcaped, offer a Pafleover each for himfelf. .Verfe r1. Nighunto the Mountains] All this Country was full of hills (intercurfantibus montibus galaad) and mountaunes of Ç ilead.. Verfe r