Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. 5. aceording to SL M AR K. Verfe 13. ?efts,'gave them leave] If Chrift condefcended tó theDevils, though to the Joffe of others, will henot hear us ? Into theSea] So that ftanding pool in radaris iscalled, which, Strabo Geog. Strabo faith, is of fuch a naughty nature, that if beafts tafteof it lab, i6. they fhed their hair,nails,hoofs or horns.. Verfe 15. Theycome to Vefua] And, amazedwith the mira- de , they expoftulate not an injury; but acknowledging him Lordof all , they beg him to be gone, left they fhould füftain further Joffe by him : The Devill fhall have his dieelling again in themfebves rather then %n their pigges (as that martyr phra- gradfór fed it) theywill rather lofe (brig then their porker. elnd in hisright mind] Sanguis medicifa$ats efl medicina phrei. netici. TheSurgions blond was the tick mans.falve.. Verfe t7, e/fnd they. began, &c.] See theNote onMat.8.34. Verfe 19.Tell howgreat things, &c.]Thiswas all the fee Chriff 1 for,for his cures. Wordsfeem to be aflender and flight re fbmpence : but Chrift (faithNazianzen) callethhimfelfthe Word. Verfe 20. Began to publifb in Decapolis] Agreat mercy to them. tohave fucha Preacher tent amongft them.. Bethfaida was denied. this favour, Mar(8. 26.. _ Verfe 22,23,24.] See theNotes on Mattb.9,t 8.&c. Verfe 25. And a certain woman] ThisHiftory fell out fitly, that 7airus might be confirmed, and the different degreesof faith in feverall Saints, the betterdifcerned. Verfe 26. And hadfpentall thatt fhe had] Phyfitians are many of them crumenimulgæ,. & fordida pofcinummia.. They call their Plaur. drugs. db'efis, gifts : yet we paydear for them. 7.urfconafaaltorum idemfbatus & Medicorum. Damna quibue licito font alien lucro.. Hi morbos agrorum, agrorum litibus %Ili Owen. Hpigr. `pant patienter opem, dun; potiantur opum. Howbeit their greedy defire of money feldome profpereth with them. Dicis to medicum,. nos to plet4 efe fatemur Vna tibiplan efl litteraguano medico. 3 e,dieo fc.- Verfe 28. IfImay but touch] See theNote onMat. 9.21.. Verfe 3o. That vertue had gone out ofhim] As heat goeth out of the Sun into the ayre, water, earth, earthly bodies, and yet re mains in the Sun; fo here. Salienti aquarum fonti undas fa.tollas;. fee exhatiri.gtr, nee extentwlor ?, fed d4/cefcil' ; fcientia, etiana. dvicendi.