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't 6 4 Commentary upon the Gofliel Ecc1eC3. Chap. 6. docendi oficio,dulcedinem fentiat, non fentiat minutiae. A fountain is not drawn dry, but cleared : fo skill is not loft by communica- ting it to others, but increafed. Verle 32. eAnd he loekedroundabout] He confuted the ra(h._ neffe of his Difciples, not with words,but looks. We maymore fitly fometimes fignifie our diflike offin by frowns, then by fpee- ches. As the North-Winddrives away rain, &ç. Verfe 34. `Daughter, thy faith, &c.] They that can fhame themfelves to honour Chriít, Thall receive much fettlement, and inward fatisfa} ion. Verle. 3 5. Thy daughter is dead] Chrift commonly referves his holy handfor a dead lift. Verle 40. See the Note onMatth.9.24.&c. Verle 43. That no man floould know it] Left he Ihould be too loon known and acknowledged by the people. But whenheknew that he was Ihortly to die, heopenly reftored to life Lax,ari,!,,f the Widows fon. Every thing is beautiful) in its feafon. CHAP. VI. Verle 3. Isnot thi the Carpenter :?] SBe the Note onMatthew rá.55 Verfe 5. Hecoulddo there nomightywork] He could not, becaufe he would not. Note here thevenemous natureof infide- lity, that transfufeth, as it were, a dead pallie into the hands of' omnipotency, difabling Chriflr, in a fort, to do fuch a man good. Chrift by his abfolute powercan do all things : byhis a&uall pow- er he cando no more thenhewill do. Verfe 6. Rndhemarvelled] Unbeleife muft needs be a mom. Ltrous fin, that puts Chrift to the marvel. Verfe 8. Save a flaffe] Such a one as may eafe and .releiveyou,: not fuch as may curb and hinder you, Matth. io. io. So that feem- ing contradiction is affoyled. No money in yourpterfes] Gr. No braffe in your girdles. The molt .ufi:all material) of money among the Roman Princes was feldome gold or filver, molt times braffe, fometimes leather, Cc- rium forma publica percuffum, as Seneca hath it. The like is Paid to have been ufedhere inEngland,in the timesofthe BaronsWars. And why not i' fìth Opinion fets the priceupon thefe outward good