Chap. 6. actor( /tog to St M A R K. J7 good things ; and Anno 1574. the Hollanders, thenbeing in their HIft. of7DN extremities , made mollyofpaft-board, fhert Verfe 12. That they Amid repent ] This muft be done ; or rru r men are utterlyundone. Aut pcenitendum aut pereu-ndum. Hence Repentance is fo prefléd and preached inboth Teítaments. Exod. 23.20. with 33. 2,3,4. Imntediately after God had given the Law ( by the rules and threats whereof God the Father was to proceed , faith One) and after they had tranfgrefl'ed it , he could not goalong with them, for he fhould deftroy them : but his An- gel, that is thrift, he would fend with them.; who xlfo would deflroy them , if they turned not and repented ,according to the rulesofhis Law, the Gofpel. Verfe 13. And anointed with oy1many, &c.] By the mifunder- ftanding of this text, and that lam. 5. 14.. Pro .patoribus habuit Ecclefia unguentarios , et pigmentarios; qui hoc pratextu miferas eti Confe(I ovicular non tantumungerent -, fedetiam emungerent. This oyl in the text was ufed , not asa medicinè, but as align and fymbolof that powerofmiraculous healing. Verfe 14. Forhis namewas /wed] Bymiracles, as by wings the Gofpel quickly fpred far and neer. Eufebius faith that the Aargeos oîn Gofpel fpred at firft through theworld like aSun-beam. When ris ¡Aid aox,). Luther:firít ítirred, it was carried through the Chriítian world., Eufeb I .s.3 as anAngels wings. This was that ,miracle, which we , in thefe laff times, are to-look for. Verfe 16. j Seethe Notes onMatt. 14.2, 3, &C. Verfe 19. Herodias had aquarrell agairi him l] Cr. Hung o- ver him , as highly difpleafed at him , and.watting an occafion to be evenwithhim. Veritar odium :par*, they that follow truth dole at heeles, may have their teethstruck out, though The be a good miftriílè. Tange mantesetfumigahunt. As wild beafts can- not endure fire, foneithercancarnall hearts fervency andplain_ dealing. Verfe 20. For Herod feared john] Holineffe is majefticall. Holy and reverend is Cods name , . Pfal. x11.9. therefore:reverend becaufe holy. He honoureth his Saints in the confciences of their greateft enemies. He didmany things] Or, asforce copies have it , He doubted in many things: he wasoften fet at a Rand , and knew not how ?4'mz ñ74H toward offthe dry_blowsofthe word, nor whichway to look, `n .ittam it came fo clofe toAim, bat. Verfe 2t.'