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Chap. 3, according to St M A r T H E VV. 53 their clofe manner of fpeech, they applied to God ; but theirpo- fterity undue it not. And as in the matterof mans creation, and redemption,folikewifeof his far Lt ficaticn;remalleable is that of theApoftle, i Cos.i 3.4 5,6 7. where thediverfìcies ofgifts are laid to beof the Spirit : the d,verfities ofminiileries ( whereby r Cor,s :;4,s, chete gifts are adminìftred) ofthe Lord, that is, of Chriff, and the 6. exp. diverfìtiesof operations ((ffedted by the gifts andminifteries) tobe of God,the Father. Like adove, and lighting repon him] This was fhadowed, of old, by Noahs dove lighting upon the Ark : and ferveth to denote metstipq, Chrifts innocency, purity, love to his little ones, Y,:407 dvi ìc, vet meeearoi faith Ariß'otle.And another thus; ee Held- Felle columba caret,roffro non cadit,& ungues PoPdet innecuos, pura¡ grana legit. That was more then ridiculous(nay it was blalphemous)chat thofe Pilgrims, that went to Jerre/aal!m to fight in the Holy war (as they'), ç, called it,) did carry a goofe before them, pretending it to be the Annal, holy Ghoft. Thefe were drunk with the wine of the whoreof Babylont abominatiòns a and not filled with the Spirit, as St Ste- phen was, snd Barnabas,and others ofold ; as of late, amongma- ny, that famousBeta; de quo collegefepedicebant, turnfinefille Metcl:.A. lan,, vivere. And himfelf reports ofhimielf, and his colleagues, in an in vaa Epiflle to Calvin, that, difputing with a Spanifh Jefuic about the Eucharift, the Jefuit (faith he) called us vu/pet, ^ ftmiaá, & for- pentes, foxes, apes, ferpents. My anfwer was this,Nonmagis nos credere, qu ìm,tran f ifantiationem. So that Angel johnBrad- fird (as one calleth him) when he reafoned with Alphonittsa Ca- Jiro; the Frier was in a wond rfull rage, and fpake fohigh, that 4íY and '3t, ,, the whole houte rangagain;chafing Withom and cho,fiithMr Fox. But Bradford anfwered him with me.kneff of wifedom, and, Ifa.s.6, like the waters of Siloe at the foot OfSien, ran foftly. He had been baptized with that holy Ghoft thatdecended upon our Sa- viour,whoreceived not.the fpirit by^me.,fure,but had a fullncffe,not of abundance only ,but alfo ofredundancy, r oh. r. i 4. Verfe a 7. And lo,a voit a Porn Heaven ] Whereupon St Peter fotandeth the certainty of Chriflian faith and dodtrin, 2 Ep,i.17, efpecialiy lince we have a more Pure word of prophecy : for that á)a v qua¡ì former might have been flandered, or fufpec`ied for an im- dam' zú"tP. ¢ofture. A`ct%n+!os i. ba- rti se. Sagiwg, this is my beloved]. My darling, he on whom my love erojn, , E 3 rtCteth ;