A Commentary open the Gvfjiel Chap. 6. Verfe ZI Made a flapper ] The ancients took a light dinner ufually, and therefore called it Prandiunsquafi perendium : at fup- per they feafled more freely, and therefore called it AHavov, auey; Td 1(tv 'rr.verv, becaufe then their daies-workwas done. ;5p,diattTo t i. Verfe 22. Came in anddanced ] With immodefr gefliculati- pudiabat, sac- ons and trippings on the toe,wherewith theold fornicatorwas fo charummore. inflamed, that he fwore fhe fhouldhave any thingof him. Verfe 23. To the halfe ofmy Kingdom], What was his whole kingdom to the life ofthat precious man , of whom the world . was not worthy ? Shortly after , he was turned outof hisking. dom , and ( its to befeared) out of Gods too. Verfe 24. eAndfhe Went forth] The men and women dined not together. InBarbary , tis death for any man to fee one of the Zeriffes concubines. Verfe 26. end for theirfakes thatfate withhim ] Sicplerique,., malum iter ingref , poft cum fe errare refcifcant , non defcifcunt aaewrigl r. tamen , ne leves videantur: fui diEli domini , ut dicunt , effe vo= Lunt. Some , rather thenbe worfe then their words , will vio- late their confciences. Verfe 3i. Refl. awhile], God wouldnot have theftrength of his people to be exhaufled in his fervice : but that refpeet behad to the health of their bodies ,. as to the welfare oftheir fouls.. Therefore the PreiftsoftheLaw took their turns of ferving inthe . order of their courte ,, as Zacharias; Luke i. 8. And theMinifters of the Gofpel are allowed to drink a little Winefor their healths fake as Timothy. Thofe that negledt their bodies; muff reckon for it. Coloff.2.23. Verfe 33. Ran afoot thither] That is , they came thitherby Kx: 'M Z land, not by fea ; whither on foot ora horfeback : for many of ry ' themwere not able tofoot it , as being weak, lame, maymed,&c, sun sctter. Verfe 34. They ae as Sheep,&. ] They were áll laaves to the Romans , and manyof them lame anddifeafed i butnothing troubled Chrift fo much as this, that they wanted Paftours and Teachers. They that are without a teaching Preit , are faid to be without God in the world,2 Chron.15.3 Vcrfe 3 5'. effnd when the day was nowfarref jaent ] Reza ren- ders it,. Cum jam mulutsdies effet. Our forefathers had a fay- ing The Summersday isneverfohug, But at length'tWill ring to even-fog: lerfe 3?;.