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IOW iChap. 7. according ta SC MARK. I g Verfe 37. Shall Wegoandbuy,&c.] q. d. Tes : a likely mat- lerfurely : Where's your mony ? have we two-hundred pence tocater for finch a company ? It is Interro?atio cum admiratione, atque adeo rum ironia qualm; conjuncla, faith Reza. A queftion not without a ¡ear. Verfe 40. Sate down in nukes] (r. rankes, rankes; that is, ,aPanui de- rankby rank, as rowes orborders ofbeds in a garden. Ordinatim or al Hebraif- res in Ecclefiafacienda. Church-work is tobe done decently, and s I, nt Exod. in order. 4. Verfe 48.' Woitldhave paffedby them] Either themore to try them , or rather to (pare them : becaufe he forefaw they would be furtherfrighted elfe. Verfe 5c. It is I] 1 with an Emphafs : q. d. It is I ; not a Spirit. A concile kind of fpeech, importing his hafte to comfort car "'Z'I-' them. He comes leaping over the mountainesofRether, all lets and impedements. CHAP. VII. Verfe 2. They found, f anit ] ey mumpedat it, as we fay : they difpraifed, accufed, rain- sú'µ 447on. 1 plained. Vituperant hommes guano collaudant premptius, faithone : Another being demanded, what was the eafieft thing in the world ? anfwered , To find fault with another. Mao% i3v. páov 1 tayilizt, faith a Third : It is eafier to find a fault, then to `mend it. Verfe 3. Except they wafh their hands oft] Or lip to the El- bow, or with utmoftdiligence. The Pharifeesdeemed it as great Sedrdo er ac; a (inne to eatewithunwafben hands, as to commit fornication. curate. Syr. Do not our ModernPhar+fees the Papifts as much ? Fornication Godwíns An- is a mony matter with them : but to eate an Egge in Lent, or the tiq.Hebp.49. like, a deadly fin. You may fee them fometimes in Italy go a- long the ftreets with a great rope about their necks, as if they were dropped down from the gallowes.And fometimes theywear a fawfedge or a fwines-pudding in place of a Glveror gold chain.. Bee-hive of Is not this fufficient to deferve heaven by ? Roane.P.zy.. Verfe 4. Walbing of Cups ] Gr. Baptifines. The Pharifees were great wafhersofthe out-fide. Whence uftin Martyr calls ßLa°¿r,aQ. themBaptiff, byapeculiarEpithite. CCc 2 VrrPr, r,.