Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

20 A Commentary upon the Gvfel Chap. 7 Verfe 5, 6. ] Seethe NoteonMatt. r5.2,3. Verfe 8. Tee hold the tradition ofmen] Gr. With tooth and naileye hold it , Mordicus retinetis , as ifon that-hinge hung- all your happinelfe. Verfe 9. Full Wellye reje51 ] q. d. Its finely done ofyou , is it not ? Ironicè; yeare wife men therewhile This was check to other mafterfhips, Sapientes fapienter in infernumdefcendent faith a Father. The worlds wizardshave not wit enough to efcape hell. Verfe 12. YefuiTer him] i, e. " Ye" licenfe" him to .deny his Pa- rentsany further fuccour. Verfe 14. 6alledall thepeople] For he faw there was nogood to-be done upon thePharifees, and that he did but wafh a tile flone , or aBlackmoore :: heturnshim therefore to the common- fort. Pearls muft not be cart topigs, Verfe 15, 16, &c. ] See the Note onMatt. 15-. r r. Verfe 19. efndgoeth out into the draught] Or into thelong and iowermoft gut,asPhyfitians life the word : and as it is,r Sam. 5.9. f2. Robert SmithMartyr made one ofBonners Doc`forsthat examinedhim , fay, that his Godmuff needs enter into the belly, and fofallinto the draught. Towhich he Anfwered, What de- rogation was it to Chrift, when the Jewes fpit in his face ? V the xey.7FYTE. YcháiS 5anè venè. et'y;dpwq. Jewes ( laid Smith ),beinghis Ac`s. & Mor we beinghis friends throwhim foL 153-6 ferveth the.greater damnation Verfe 2o. That defileth the Sinne is the Devils excrement.. Verfe 22. e/fn evill eye] " feries ofothers , which is the eine:q.ext witches and devills, " Thofe enemies did butfpit ml-us face,and, into the draught, which ofus de. man] Farre worfe thenany jakes. Envious, and rejoyÈingat,themi- :property of Edomites, abjeds, that are bewitched are laid to be over- lookt, fc.. with an eiU and malicious eye. Nefcio quis te- nones., c. Verfe 23..,lll thefe,evillthings] Should-God but breakopen that fink-,of fin that is within us , we fhould never indure the {tench but rid our felves out of the world , 7udss , fihito.. phel , &ç. Verfe 24. Would have no man ksore, &c. ] There was there, fore twowills in Chrift :.the one whereof rightly willed that which the other juftly and wifely nilled. Ifay 8; i7. Rut hecould not be hid]. He is a God that hides himfelf : we mink: