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Chap..: 8. according to St M A RK. 2I mull fetch him out ofhis retiring roome by our fervent prayers. Verfe 25. For a certain woman] Ofan heroicall faith, felt her want of Chrifl, and laid out forhim. Verfe 27. Tocast it unto Dogs] Gr. unto whelps, for more'o7s;wvaeiois, contempt -fake , as Beta noteth. The Pope madeDondalus the Jual 379. VenetianEnabaffadour tocome beforehim, tied in ironchains,and towallow underhis table withdogs, while{lhis Holineffe fate at fupper. Vnde ei'C'anis cognomentum apud fuos, faith Kevius. He De vitropootif. was ever after called theDog-Emba{fadour. Verfe 28. Yes, Lord] See the NoteonMatth. 15. 27. Verfe 3 3. end he tool., him afide, &c.] Though thefemens faithwas but weak, yet he yeeldeth unto them at the firíl word, who held offthe Syropheniflébefore, to the third Petition : Hee knew the ftrength of herfaith. The skilful] Armourer trieth not an ordinary peece of Armes with Mufquet fhot. The wife Lapi- dift bringsnot his fofter{tones to the flithy. The good Husband- man turnes not the.wheele uponhis cumin , nor his flaile upon his fetches. For his Goddoth better inftrut him, Efay 28. 26,29. Verfe 34. He fighed] As if himfelf had felt and faintedun- 'ßÿa s'` der the fame burden : fo the word fignifieth. And he was fo much the more fenfible, as well weighing the.caufe. Verfe . 35, .His careswere opened] So are the cares of all that belong toChrift, and their tongues.loofed tohis praife, which be- fore were bound by Satan. O pray that God would make the boareof our Bares as wide as mayy be, and teachus that pure lan- guage, Zeph. 3.9. that our tongues may may the penof a ready Pfil. 45. r: writer. Verfe 36. Somuch themore]. Eó magic prafulgebat utiquequia non vifebatur, as Tacitaa faith of Bruttu : the more he fought to ferret himfelf, the more he was noticed. Verfe 37. He bath done :all things , well] Praife we him much more for his fpirituall cures; of like kind, upon our felves and others. CHAT. VIII.. Verfe. is The multitude beingverygreat.] NjEtnot fogreat as the five thoufand before fed withfewer loaves, and more leavings : To teach use that Gods blef ing, and.