a 2 if Commentary upon the Gofliel Chap. 8. and not the muchneffe ofmeat, feeds and fatisfies. Verfe 2. I have comnaffon, &c.] See the Notes on Matthew 15. 32,33,34: &c. pctu9róovzve. Verfe. 3They rill faint]Theirfnel csV.'illbeloofrnted,asit ufeth to fare with men in fainting fits. Phyfitians fometimes let bloud ufquead delignium aninke : foclothGod; as he did David often. See the Note onMatth 15.32. Verfe 4. With bread] That is, with the courfeft fare. Hora- tius opponit panem libis & placentii. Lib. t. E.p. io. Bread is ufed for homely provifion. Verfe g, 6, 7, &c.] See the Notes onMatth. 15. 34,35,36. avcráçr«s. Verfe 12. eAAndhefighed deeply] His heart was ftraightned (as the word lignifies) and would have burft, but for a vent. Ezek. 9.4. Expletur lachrymis egeriturque dolor. So thofe marked mourners fighed and cried forothers, who were altogether infenfible oftheir ownmiferies. So Habacuc trembled and quiveredfor the Chaldeans calamities, cap. 3.16. Verfe 13. eAAnd he left them] See the Notes on Matthew16. 1, 2. Verfe 15. Of the leaven ofHerod] Ofthe Sadducesfaith Mat- then: to the which Se& fomeconceive that Herod had now joyn- ed himfelf,thebetter to ftill thenoife ofhis confcience, by making himfelfbeleeve therewas no judgement to come. Verfe 18. Do ye not remember ? ] All's loft that is not well laid up in this pot ofMannah, the fandified memory, I Cor. 15.2. Verfe 19, 2o.] See theNote onMattis. ¡6. io, i 1, &c. Verfe 21. How is it that yee do not underfland?] It is very ill taken whenwe improve not experiments. Of all things God can leaft abide tobe forgotten. Verfe 23. He took the blindman by the hand] He could have delivered him to hisfriends, to lead him : but he did it himfelf, as holding it an honour, a pleafure,todo men in mifery any office of curtefie. And ledhim out of the town] Either that the miraclehe wrought might be the leffe noticed : oras holding the inhabitants unworthy tobehold it. AllIfrael might fee Mofes go towards the Rock of Rephidim, none but the Elders might fee him firike it. Their unbe- leifmade them unworthy this priviledge : fo might their unthank- fulneffe the men ofBethfaida. Wo to thee Bethfaida. It is no fmall favour ofGod to make us witneffes ofhis great works. Verfe z