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Chap. 8. according to St M AR K. 23 Verfe 25. Hefarevery man clearly]. Trot-All EST dilucidé, longè rAav ¿.teque. Whenwe come to heaven we (hall fee as we are Peen, 7 who now fee but as in a glaffe obfcurely, as old men do. thorough Speaacles, I Cor. r3. Verfe 26. Neithergo into,the town] Chrift would not vouch- fafe fuchan tmgratefull:people thebenefit of one more Preacher,. though never fo mean. This was a greater judgement upon them, then if he had turned fome other way that arme of the fea that brought fomuchwealth into their town. Verfe 27, 28. See theNote onMatth.16.i 3. Verfe 29. Thou art the Chrift] This was much in few. Here is not Thou ártPeter, andupon this Rock, 6-c. Which ifeither Saint Markur Saint Peter had e(}eemed (as Papifts now do) the foun- dationofthe ChriftianChurch, it had not been here omitted (as Beta well obferveth) fith it goesfor currant among the Ancients, that Saint Markwrote this Gofpel at Saint Peters mouth. Verfe 31. e 4nd after threedayes] That is, within three dayes, or on the third day. Verfe 34. whofoever will comeafter me]See the Notes onMat. To. 38. andMat.16.24. Take up his Croffe] It is but a delicacy that men dream of to Joh. de Hole. divide Chrift and his Croffe. mull be a Crucian, mar, oral. e. faid Luther ; and do fomewhat more then thofeMonks thatmade conr.,i. ngo/1/f.. themfelves woodden. Croffes , and carried them on their backs ap. Binniurn. continually , making all the world laugh at them. Verfe 35. For fhofoever will fave his life] As that revolting_ Preift, Hoft to Philbert HamlinMartyr, flameby his enemyupon . aprivate quarrel!. As thofe Angrognians that yeelded to the Pa- Aft. Sc.: Mon, . pills that came againft them', and were more cruelly handled by fol. 835. them then their neighbours that continued conftant in the truth.. As 'Denton the SmithofWelle in Cambridgfbire,that could notburn Ibid. 873 for Chrift, and was afterwards burned in his own houfe. As Weft ¡bid i 5SB that was Chaplain to Bifhop Ridly, who refuting to dye inChrifts caufewith his Mafter, faid Maffe againft his confcience, and foone ibid. 2570. after pinedaway farforrow. If I fhrink from Gods truth (laid DoCtorTaylorMartyr) Iam fure of another manner ofdeath then had Judge Hales: who being drawn for fear of death, to do Ybid. i3sa.o things againft his confcience, did afterwards .drowrte 'him- Cafe.. 'erfe 36. For what fill it profit rx maanJ_ Andyet many do' as