A Commentary upon the GoJ et Chap. g. as Shimei that to fèek his fervants, loft himfel And as zonal, that was content tobecalf into theSea, that the Ship withilier lading might come fafe to chore. Verfe 38. In this adulterous &Tnfull,&c.] The worfe the times are , the better wefhould be. Stars are molt needed in a dark night. We may as well, faith Zuinglius, Adaram 7ovisaut Ve- neris adorare, ac fish Antichriflofadem occultare. Antichrifts limbs have their mark in their hand , which they may (hew or hide at pleafüre : but Chrifis members have their mark in their foreheads only. 'David! parents and brethren came down to him to the cave ofAdullam,though to their great danger, I Sam. 22.1. One- fiphorteswas not afhamedof Pauls chain at Rome, 2 Tit.r. When he commeth in the glory] David going againftGoliah took onlyhis fling and a few [tones but when againft Nabal,he mar- chedbetterappointed. So Chrift came at firft in a meancondi- tion : but whenhe comes again to judgement,he (hall march furi- Dully, attended with troops ofSaints and Angels. CHAP. IX. Verfe 1. Shall not tafle ofdeath] flintsonly tafte of death, (innersare fwallowed upof it, they, are killed, with death, Revelation 2í.23. Whereas the righ- teous domori vitaliter; death is to them neither totali, norperpc; small, Rom. 8. 10, I I. Verfe 3. Became(?lining] Gr. Cliflring andfiarklingasoars which twinckleandbeckonto us as it were to remember their and our Creatour. Verfe io. And they=kept thatfling] With much adoe they kept it (as the word imports) for the cell of the Difcipleswere very inquifitive , likely, what was Paid anddone in the Mount. A friend that canbothkeep counfell, and givecounfell,is worthhis weight in gold. Verfe Ia. Set at nought] Vilified and nullified as an xrrduvós, or one that had nothing in him. Vermis fum et non homo. I am a worm andno man, faith the Pfalmift in the perfonof Chrift. Verfe 15. Weregreatly amazed] To feehim come in fo op- portunly, in thevery nick, which is his ufiiall time. See the Note onMatt. 17.14. = Verfe 20