Chap, 94 .4ecordrng to St M A RK. Verfe Zo. The,ffririt:tare him]. Thus things óft goe backward ere they come forward ; as the corn grows downward before it comes upward. Tuplicantur lateres, vent Mofes. This child had never fuch a fore fit as now that he was to becured. See wife 26. Verfe 22. It bath caft him into the fire, &c.] So dothblind. zeal deàl by them in whom itis But ifthou canfl.doe any thing] This wofull father had no fur- ther patience to parley; but through weakneffe of faith , aiid. . ftrength of affection tohis diftreffed child breaks offhis tale, and begs prefent help. Hee that bcleeveth , maketh no bafle, E-: fay 28.16. Verfe 2q,. I beleeve] This ad ofhis. in putting forth his ,faith w beleeve as hee could, was the way to beleeve as hee would. Help thou mine unbeleefe] That is, my weak faith, which hee: countethno better then unbeleef :. howbeit,God counts the pre partition of the heart to beleeve,.: faith : as in thofe S'naariraïiet roh. q. Doctor (rugger cried out on his death-bed, Credo Ian- Selnever. guidîafade, ren fide.' Much faithwill yeeld unto ushere our dagog heaven :.;and any faith , if true , will yeeld us heaven hereaf- ter. Verfe 29. But by prayer andfatting] The caufe whythey could not cure theçhild,was unbeleef : the cureofunbeleefis fought and wrought by falling and prayer. Verfe 34., who fhouldbe the greateft] viz. In Chrifts earthly. Kingdom, in the which they vainly dreamt of a diflribution-of honours and offices, as once in the dayes of .David and Sole- Verfe 37. Iteceiveth not me] Non /2d corrigit, faith .Eraf,ricu. He receiveth not me only,'but him that Verfe 38. e,zdJohn a,rfweredhim] Sohnwas loon fated with that fact difcourfe ofour Savioúr,and beginsa relationofanother. bufineffe, little to thepilrpofe. Verfe 39.' Forbidhimnot] It is probable that.this man would. not forbear, unleffe Chrift himfelfthould forbidhim :.:which herd he refufeth to do, and fhewes reafon for it. Verfe 41. for whofoeverfballgive, &c.] Much more he that thall callout devils in my name, and out to me. Hethan ePt lofe his rew rd] -For his cupof cold water he íhall J d d have