Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

:Chap. 10- . Rerording toSt M A R K. fubtilty , and every foule Spirit, Rcc. And hive pence one With another] By mortification feafon, tame, and purge your own hearts of thofe lulls that warre in your members, ?am. 4. I. and prove offenhive to others, Mar.9.43. fo Thall you be at peace one with another. Stomarkkworms are kilted with falt. CHAP. X. Verfe r. And, as he was wont, he taught] Redicationis offcium fufeipit gulfgasis ad Sacerdotium accedit. Greg,ixPafta.. It was death for the ;High-Prteft to enter the Holy-place, or ral. to come abroad , without his bells and pomegranates. Saint .Mark,is much in fetting forth Chrifts forwardnefl'e to teach. Verfe 4. Mofes Infrared to write] Not commanded. There is difference between a permifï'con and a precept, properly fo called. See the Note on Matth. 19.7. Nonflatim probat De- us quadpermirtit. God approves not prefently whatfoever bee permits. Verfe x r. whofoever fhall put away his Wife] Annon calounn e Germania, arque inprimis Lutherus, puridiffirné errarunt, e tor- pifmé fe dederunt, cum illud fantifmum fcilieetconfalïum defier Zancdt Mifcel. runt fortiilimo illi & optimo Principi Philippa Lantgravio,ut va- epu?. dcdicat. vente samepriore legitima nimirurr uxore, duceret alteram, hoc eft adulterant ? faith Zanchy : Luther and his fellow-Divines Were shamefully out in licenfing the Lantgrave to put away his 4aw- full wife, and marry another. Verfe 12. And f a womanhave put away] No fuch thing was permitted by Mofes, but ufurped by the womenof thofe licen- tious times. Among Turkes the womenmay fue a divorce; but Blunts voyage, :only thenwhen her husbandwould abufe her againft nature. Verse 14. For offuch is thekingdomeofgod] Asoft therefore as we fee an infant, let us think that ateacher is given usofGod. '64/.13141,2. Verfe 19. Defraudnot] Doe no man injuryeither by force or fraud. This kerns to be an abfiraa of all the other.fore-men- tioned commandments. Verfe 21. JsvedMm] As a tame nean, and fit to live in a civill fociety, Or .11ec loved him, that is, bee pitied him, as a Dddz ñe1f