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54 e.íi Commentary upon the Gef el Chap.3. refteth; fo that I will feekno further. Zeph.3. j7. when the earth was founded, Chrifl: was with his Father as his daily delight,(port- ing,or laughing, aiwaies before him, ri fm capt.ins ac confili im , Prov. S. 3o. Inwhom Iamwell pleafed] Thebeloved,in whom he háthmade ua accepted, Eph.i.6. Cods Heptfybah, fo the Church is called, áyú I f .62.4. the dearly beloved ofhis ßul, Jer. i Z.7. Or (as the Se- virwvnvvxnv ptuagint render it ) his beloved(ul, over whom he rejoyceth, as ua b the bridegroom over his bride, l¡a.6a. Yea he gill in his edì dileiiarn S reft maw. love, as abundantly well pleafed, he willjoy therein withfinging. Vulgar. Sowell thinketh God of his Son Chat, and ofus thorow him .; as Zeph;,I7. fome of the Ancients rendered this word, audbx,íott, In quo bene l' -vdöx' Pas,, fenf. So (after Irenceus) Tertulian, Cyprian and Augufline in- Eirdci: dicua- ter ret it. And yet, as well as he thought of his only Son, hef a ur ceteóres,e, ' p him Y Y de gu,éue wag- red not,but delivered him up for us all,Rom.8.32. whereupon nilca e/i opi St Bernard thus cries our, O quantum dilcl i, pea quo fylins ipfe ,tio.&rann, mar non Ode flns, scat (alt émnegle es ? God fo loved his ion, that the ten:p. he gave him all theworld for his poffeffion, Tfal. a. but he fo lo- Joh.3' i6 , ved the world, as he gaveSon, and all, for ics redemption. One k pne.3 s 9i calls this an hyperbole, anexcefle of love, a miracle of mercy, afic without aficut. God loved the loved, fo infinitely, fo incompa- rably, fo incomprehenfibly, as that there is no fimilitude innature, whereby to expreffe it. Abraham (Godsfriend) (hewed his love tohim,in not withholdinghis only Son lac : but what was Ifaac toatilt ? or what was Abrahams love to Gods ? He did that freely and voluntary, that Abraham would never have done, but, upon a command. Befides, Ifaac was to be offered up after the manner of holy facrifices; but Chrift fuffered,after the manner ofmalefatlours. And yetfurther, I/aaewas in the hand of a ten- der andcompaflïonate father : but Chril died by the wicked hands of barbarous and blood. thirl}y enemies; that thereby he might Enhe, z. s s,s6 flay the enmity, andreconcile us to God : fomaking peace, and pa- Ñgnvn a r mit wingus anew and livingway,with his blood,to the throne of grace, us t9 ti gE Y. wherein he bathmade us acceptedin the beloved, Ephef.I.6. Da vid faw the featuresofhis friend Jonathan, in lame Mephibo,%eth, and therefore lovedhim, He forgave Nabal at Abigals intercef- fion : and was pacified toward Abf lom, at loabs. PPh. raoh fa- voured Jacobs houle, for lofephs fake : Shall not Goddo us much more for Jefus fake ? lofeph was well pleafed with his brethren, when they brought Bcvamin : Bring but the childe jefus in our arms