28 A Commentary ipon the Gvfbet Chap. io. felf-deceiver : like as we pity moderate Papifts. Verfe 22. Went away grieved] Which. hee would not have done , if he had loved God and his neighbour, as he profeffed to doe. Verfe 24. For them that trtsfbinricher] As molt richmendoe, thinking themfelves fimply the better and the fafer for them. This blab is foon blown up. Verfe 27. With Cod all things arepoffible] This place is much pleaded by thePapifts for their fiction of Tranfubftantiation. I Att. & Mon. tell thee (faid Bonner to Philpot). that God by his omnipotency may makehimfelf to be this Carpet,, if he will. Verfe 30. Brethren, rind'friers,anndmothers] Mothers hè can- not receive in kind, when onte dead ; but God will be to his better then ten mothers : Communion withhim íhall yeeldmore comfort, then all outward comforts can. Hecan alío make zona- thanmore loving to David then any wife, and the Kings of Ma- lta- & Mon, ob and Ammon to be his fofter-parents. This made Hermannus fol. i.'5. Archbifhopof Cullen to reform his Church, tiling therein the aid and advice of MartinBucer : Wherefore he was depofed by the Emperor, which he patiently fuffered. Zech.ro. 6. They (hall be as ifIhadnot call themof, andIWill heare them: Godwill one wayor othermake up his peoples loffes.: they (hall have it a- Aug. de civit. gain either in money, or moneys - worth. Ne excrucier ob aururn Ì2éi. ltb.Y.c.t. argentum : to enim es mihi omnia,, faid Paulinos Nolanuf, when the Town was taken by the Barbarians. Let not my lottes trouble me, Lord ; for thou art mine exceeding great reward. Verfe 32... Yefus,vt?ent before them] As moll willing ofhis way,, though hewent now to fuller. Shewwe like forwardnef e, and Aa. &Mon. fay; I am inprifon till Iam in prifon.. Verfe 35. Whatfoever weJhall defire]. One faid he could have what he would of God t And why ? but becaufe he would ask nothing,, but what was agreeable to the willof God.. Fiat vo- luaitas mea, faid Luther in a certain prayer ; but then falls of fweetly, Mea voluntas,, Domine, quia tua.. One faith of Luther; Mckh,Adam. 1 it iflepotuit quod voluit "spudDeism : That man can doe what he will with God. Verfe 39. Ye Jhall indeed drink of the cup]' But not of that bitter cupofhis Fathers wrath, which he drankoff in his paflion. Only the Sainits fill up that which is behind of the . fufferings of Chuff, ColfI.24. v5?16u47a,,,ton womñ,úarao. áBt