Chap. II. according to St MA RK. 29 Tee Jhall be baptized] And come out of the waters ofaffl i&i- on with as little hurt as a babe doth out ofthe water inbaptifme, by the helpof divine grace. Verfe 42. They which are accounted to rule] All earthly rule domes are but fhewes and fhadowes, to that ofGod. i vi- 01 dblarns. dentur imperare : They doe but feem to rule. Verfe 46. Blind Bartima'us] Named and celebrated in the Gofpel, when many mighty Monarchs are utterly forgotten, or elk lie fhrouded in the fheet of flume. Verfe 48. Themore agreat deale] True faith works its way throughmany obítacles, as the clouded fun doth. Verfe 5o. Andhe cajiing away hisgarment] Though a beggar, . he flood not upon the lofle ofhis coat; but for joy of his calling calfit from him. So foh.4.28. Heb.i 2..L CHAP. XI.. Verfe 2. Whereon never man fate? A S if it had been done on fet purpofe. Here was a wheel SIwithin a wheel, Ezek, r. the better to convince the flub_ born Jewes of his Kinglyoffice. Verfe 3. Say ye that the Lord bath need of him] See here fix feverall arguments of ourSaviours Deity r. That he knew there was fuch an. afhe-colt. 2. That he fent for it. 3. Fore-faw that Pifcator. themailers ofthe colt would queflion them that fet it.. 4.. That he profefl'ethhimfelf the Lord ofall. 5. That he could tell they would fend the colt. 6. That accordingly theydid fo. Verfe 12. He Was hungry] This, and that he knew not but . that there were figs on the tree , declare him to be true Man. Verfe 13. The timeoffigs was notjet] viz. Of ripe figs ; but if he could have found but green figs only, he would at that time have been glad of them. Hee looked for fomewhat from that great Phew of leaves. but the old Proverb became true , great bruit, littlefruit.. Verfe r7. My houfefhall be called,&c.] He inveighs againflr. the fame fault with the fame arguments, as before, ?oh.2. Verfe 2r. edndPeter calling to remembrance] So the fig-tree Ddd 3. bare.