Commentary trpo%t the Gofliel Chap. 124, .Aug. bare farre better fruit now that it was dryed, thenwhen it was greenand flourifhing. Inflruunt nos Patres, rum docentes, turn be. bentes : The Saints teach us, as by their inftruftions, fo by their infirmities. Verfe 25. And when ye f and, praying] Several! geftures in prayer are deferibed, not prefcribed in Gods Book. The word sn'xr;r:. here rendredHand, importeth a prefenting ones felf before the Lord, whether he ftand, fit, or kneel,&c. Verfe 3o. From heaven, or ofmen, anfver me] So when the enemies ofReformation demand what wemean by fo doing,ask them what they think of that we doe? Is it from heaven, or of. men ? If from heaven, whydoe not they approve it ? If of men, why doe not they difprove it by the Scriptures ? Bucer and Me- lanhlhon framed a formof Reformation according to the truth of 1\4e1th.Adam the Gofpel, with the approbationof the Peers and States of Gitl- invit.Buccn. len ; but the Clergy, though notable to contradia it by good reafon, yet rejeEled it with Bander, and faid that they had rather chufe to live under the Turkifh Government, then under a Magi- firate that embraced that Reformation. CHAP. XII. Verfe a. A certain manplanted,d-c.] `Ee the Notes on Moth. 21. 33. l; v propriè J Verfe 3. Andbeat him] Properly, they hilded him ; but by excorio, perten a Metonymie, they beat him. Sic percutimue vulpem, utpelles ei detraho.Gcr- detrahatur : So men beat a Fox, that they may the better hilde hard. him. avv=zél souv Verfe 4. Wounded hisses in the head] Caput comminuerunt, they áxogGpm ev 7 brake his head. Tbeophylaîl interpreteth it, They completed their u í2 iv. Theo- villany, andBent all their f ite upon him. phylaft. Verfe 6. They Will reverence my fonne] They will Purely be of amed to loot him in theface. This is the proper fignificationof the word. But fin had winded an impudency in their faces, that they could bluff' no more then a Sack-but. Azeeoam. Verfe 13. To catch him in his words] As Hunters catch the .ere;r ,Avowo:, beat in a toyl ; as Fowlers catch the bird in a fnare,as Saint Mat- thews word here lignifies. Fifula drake cant, volacrern duties decipit atscep`áerfe 14