Chap. 12. according to St MARK. 31 Verfe 14. To give tribute] This tribute the Jewes then paid to the Romanes, as now they doe to the Turks, for the very heads they wear. And yet they had the face to fay toour Saviour,. Foh. 8.3 3. We never were in bondage to any man. Lut perhaps thefe Jewes were of the Sect of rudas raulonites, .. who would not be JoffPh,!ib.t.8s drawn by any torments to acknowledge any Lord upon earth ; t"P.Z. beleeving that Godonly was tobe held their Lord and King. Verfe 24. Not knowing the Scriptures] Andyet they alledged and argued out of Scripture, but upon a falfe ground ; viz. that the ftate of men fhould continue in the other world fuch as it is here, as to eat, drink, marry, generate,&c. Verfe 26. I am the qad ofAbraham] Therefore thy God al- fo, if thouwalk in the foot-Reps of faithful! 1.4braham, Rom .4.. 23, 24. Verfe 28. Asked him, which e the firft] All Chrifis Difciples mull be Znmrrxnì, ueftionifts , and c.oe the fame to learn, that this Scribe here doth, for a worfe purpofe. Verfe 29. Is one Lord] This the wifer Heathens, as Pythago- ßìs pros bq' ræs, Socrates, Plato, andArilotle with his Ens Entiummiferere are, &C. auei (if that were his) acknowledged. Exod. 34. 14. Thouihalt Pythag, wo fhip none other god. Where the word Ache? rendred Other, bath R greater then ordinary , to chew the greatnefhe of the Buxtorf.Tibcr; (inne of ferving others gods , and to fet forth a difference be- tween e.Icher Other, and Echad One God ; One in Three, and. Three in One. Verfe 34. Anfwered difcreetly] That he was better then the Neves;. Pharifees ufed to be. He was egregié cordatus homo, and began Ennihe.. to lift uphis head out of themud toward heaven. Verfe 35, How lay the Scribes] They were great. Genea- logifts ; how was it then that they were no better verfed in the Cenealogie of Chrift ? that they could give no better an account of his two-fold nature ? Of other things one may be ignorant, and yet be faxed : Not fo here. Verfe 36. Said by the Holy ghofi] The Pfalmes then are a part ofholy Writ by Chrifis own teftimony, who altoL4z4.44 divideth the Old Teftament into theLaw of Mofes, the Prophets and the Pfalmes. Yea, Tfalmorum liber quacunque utilia font ex omnibus continet, faith Augu tine after 'Bald : The Pfalmes arc a. treafiiry of all holy truths, Verfe 38. Love to goe in long clothing] ngvyty to the heels, as Senators,.