Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

3 i Commentary upon the Gofßel Chap. i ;. of. novTes. Senators, or Coiinfellors. A garment that Christ himself ware;as cum vo!ue' uxt being a Citizenorfree Denifon of Capernaum. -Bit he loved not jumrn:Q cupide- togo in it, as thefe Pharifees, thefe glorious Malters of the jewes; tare. he aftedednot thishabit more then another out ofpride andvain: glory,obe looked at,and admiredby the vulgar:this they thought at goodlybufìnelfe. Verfé 41. And beheld] He (till fits and feeth the condition; gift, and mind ofevery alines-giver : And weighs all, not by the worthofthe gift, but by the will of the Giver.Lycurgus enjóynetj, the iacedæmonians tooffer fmall sacrifices. For God,faid:He, ré fpedeth more the internal( devotion, then the external( obla= tion: xurxov. - How the people call. mony] Gr. Braffe : the won't was thought . good enough for God, and his poor. Somethingmen will do, but as little as theycan. G°d`v..4Xtiq. Verle 42. Two mites] Amite is valued ofour mony to be three partsof one c. Verse 43. This poore Widow] Women are notedin the Para- ble of the loft Groat tobe fondof mony : Widowes efpecially, é7,av ßíóv, andpooreWidowes, make muchof that little theyhave, as their life, fo it is called here, verfe44. evenall her life, that is, her lively- hood. All this file calf in, it being rather to and for the fervice of God, then to the poore.. She resolves, as a Widow indeed, to trust, wholly in God. CHAP. XIII. Verle z. whit manner offlones, &c:] Uge-ftones; and focunningly cimented, and as it-were inocu- -`jea rata rÑ0- lated the one into the other, that aman would have thought laex inner; am genii lapide and (wornalmoft,.that they had beenall but one entire (tone. , o-. in , taatam megai- fepnus writeth ofthefe (tones, that they were fifteen cubits long; tud.conforgeret twelve high,and.eight.broad. Verle 2. There ¡hall not he left one fhûne, &c.]There's no trait. ing therefore to Fortsand ftroilg- holds, no though they be muni- tions of rocks; as gay fpeaketh ; The Jebufites,that feared David and his forces, werethrownout of their Sion. Babylon, that bore her felfe bold upon her twentyyeers provifion laid in for a liege, and uponher highTowers and thick walls,was fiirprifed by Cyrus. _ _ So