Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. 13.. according to 9 M A R K. 33 "So was.thïs goodlyTeniple by Tittu, who left onely three tow- ers of this flately edifice nnrazed, to declare unto pofierity the 'f rength Of the place, and valour of the vanquifher. But, fixty five years after daughter, e &liais Adrianzcs inflicting on the rebelling Jewes awonderful) fubverted thofe remainders, and fprinkled fait upon the foundation. Verte 4. Shall he fulfilled] Or, have an end, that is, be de- ftroyed, as nerf. 2. Which yet thefe Apoflles held not deftroy- abletill the worldsdeftru&ion, as appears Mat.24. Verte S'. rond 7efitaanfwering thern,r c.]Not direc< their gueflion, but far -better to their edification. This was ordinary with our Saviour. Verte 7. Theendfliall not beyet] Neither ofthe world, nor of the Temple. Verte 8. The be,Tinniag of forrowes] The forrowes and rdctivay. throwes of _child-birth ; which are nothing fo bad at fini, as in the birth. Verte 10. e.4nsong all nations] ise. Among other nations then the Jewes. Verte a T. Neither doe_ye premeditate] Conne not your anfwers as boyes ufe to doe their Orations and School-exercifes, which the Greeks call M:né7at: whereunto Beta thinks our'Saviour here ailudeth. Verte 14. The abomination of de elation] The Romane forces, therefore molt abominable toGod and his Angels, becaufe they defolated the pleafant land, and abolished the true worship of -God. See Reve1.17.4 ;5. Where it ought not] viz. I'n.refpeCt of the Romanes, who did it onely out ofambition and covetoufneffe. See efay 10.7. Verte 19. For. 'in thefe dayesfhall be affiitlion] Gr. Thofe dayes fhall be afflil-tion : as if the very time were nothing elfe but Alic`li- on it felf. See the Notes on Mat.24. 21, Verte zo. Except the`Lord had fhortened] Mutilaverat, true- yróuorw caverat. Not in refpec`t of the divine decree, but 1. of the long miferies that thepeople had deferved : z. of the enemies rage, that would have exceeded. See Zéch.1.13. Verte 28. Now learn aparable ofthe fag-tree] Wè Ehould not reft content with a natural'I ufe of the creatures , as bruits doe, but pick Tome flirituall matter out of every fenfible objed. Thus Reverend Mailer Deering when the Sun fhined ois his face now E e e lvin O'JV?s.:raJ(!