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1 34 .4 Commentary upon the Gofjiel Chap. 14. D. Hall's Art lying on his death-bed, fell into a fweet meditation of the glory ofDivineMt. of God, and his approaching joy. ìcation. Verfe 3o. Till all thefe things be done] Begun they were in the deflruaionof ?erufalem, carried on by the enemies rage againfi the Church, and to be ended with the laft age of the Church, which begins at the coming ofChrift in the flefh. Verfe 34. Theporter to match] That the refi did their work. Verfe 35. when the Mattercometh] But come hewill to judge. ment, as fure as that. hee bath deftroyed erufalem : This is a pledgeof the other. Verfe 37. watch] What. Serbidius Scevola was-wont to fay ofthe Civili Law, holds more true of the divine Law : ue civile iriptum eft vigilantibus, non dormitantibus : The Law was written for thofe that obferve to obey it. CHAP. XIV. Verfe a. eAfter two dayes] Wo dayes after the former difcourfe. This Sun ofrighteoul I neflè (hone moti amiably toward his going down. Verfe 2. Not on the feaft-day], And yet they did it on the feafl-day, as loth to lofe the opportunity then offered them by ?udu the traytor : But God had a fpeciall hand in it, that by the circumflance of time Chrift might appeare to be the true Paffeover._ He was crucified on the very true day of that Feafi.. êi I or. Verfe 3. Offpikenard very precious] Or pure, right, fincere, mtstxfismciiìrs, not fophi(ticate, or adulterate;, foTheophylatt interprets it. But ómnxñs. Scut Scultetua faith it was fpikenard of Opis, a Townnot farre from ter, exxartutY Babylon, whence themoti precious odours and oyntments were gi Griticir.. tranfported into other parts. Verfe 5. Three hundredpence] That is, fifty-two French pounds and more., as Budeus computes it. Shee fpared for no colt.. iv¢ßetturgf They murmured againft her], But ?tiltsbegan :. So dangerous mites indig- a thing it is toconverfe with hypocrites. One rotten llieep may nantium (ìgnt- rot the refs : Vvague con#elta livorem ducit ab aria. Great dan- ,catur. Biza. ger there is if not of infec`iion,.yet ofdefe&ion. Peter, by his halting, compelled others todoe fo too, Gal. 2. Verfe 14. The guefl-chamber], In a Private houfe ; for the whole