Chap. 14. according to S' MARK. whole City was then turned into a great Inne, for the receipt of ftrangers that came up to theFeaft. Verfe 21, good Were it for thatman] For his ownparticular : for otherwife in refpedof the glorycf Gods juftice, in that mar4 righteous condemnation, good it was that he was born. Verfe 25. 1will drinkno more] .);xén & Kh 1 will not, not, net drink,e, So Heb. 13.5. I will not,not,notforfake thee. Our Saviour here feemeth to allude to that grace-cup (as they call it) after which they might not eat any thing more, till the day follow- ing. Verfe 31. /will not deny thee] The Syriack addeth Mari, that is,, ,Dominomi. And this he-affirmed magós ex abundanti. So did Pendleton theApoftate, whenhee faid toSanders. the Martyr with Aa &Mo>R greate-ft vehemency, Iwillfee the uttermoß drop of this greafe of mine molten away, and the laßgobbet of this fielb to ifumed to àfhes, before I 'rillforfiake god and hi truth. Verfe 36. 2.1bba, Father] Father, Father, withgreateft ear- neftneire. This was an efle&iall prayer,had he faid no more. God can feel breath in prayer, Lam.3.56. Not that 1will, but,&c.] eflpofiopefaa emphatica, faith Beza. Verfe 37. Couldit thou not watch] How thenwilt thou diewith me ? So howwill they endure woundsfor Chrift, that cannot en- dure words ? See yer.1z. 5. Verfe 4c. Neither will they what to anfwer] Theywere afhamed to excufe it, yet fell again into it. iierfe 41. Sleep on noVe, take your reß] Ifyou can at leaft,or have anymind to it, with fo many fwords and halberds about your Bares. They were in heavin ffe, and yet are fharply repro- ved for relapfing fo oft into the farne finne. Let not us bemore mild then Chrift was ; but deal freely and faithfullywith all. Verfe 47. e4nd one of them] Beza gathereth from t,hisText, that Mark,received not this Gofpel from Peter; becaufe,'J'eter would no Joffe have con£effed this rafhneffe in himfelfe, then hee had done his denyall of his Matter. And cut ofhu Bare] This was his indifcreet zeal, proceeding P;fcat ab afeFlte carms, non ab afflatu Spirirni farehfi : From the fief"), not Spirit. Verfe 6i. TheSonne of the Bleffed?] So God is called, be.: caufe to be .everlaftingly bleffed andpraifedofMenand Angels. Hence God is frequently fet forth in the Commentaries ofthe Ec e 2 Hebrew