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36 A Commentary upon the Gofliel Chap. I s.. HebrewDonors by Baruch-hg, He that is bleffed. So Zachary begins his Canticle with Bief s1 is the LordGod,e c.. Luk,i.68. Verfe 63. Rem his clothes] So they ufed to doe in cafe of blafphemy, to lignifie that their very hearts were rent with grief at fo fad a hearing. Verfe 64. They all condemnedhim] As a Blafphemer, .becaufe . he madehimfelf the Son ofGod. This may comfortably affure us that we are freedby Chrift from that crime of blafphemywe Rand guiltyof,for affeéling a Deity in our firft Parents. Verfe 65. Prophefie] Eft hicfarcafmus amarulentifmais, cat.This is a molt bitter taunt.. Verfe 68. Hewent out] Thinking to fteale away : andherehe . heard the Cock, but recanted not: Verfe 71. To curie and to fweare] Let him that.ftands take heed, &c. C'avebis autem,fi pavebis. Godhad a fweet providence in all this, that Peter might be an eye-witneffe of our Saviours fisf ferings. '', regens,id eft,. Verfe 72: Andwhenhe thought thereon] Or, adding to hisgreif; abesndeflezit proportioning his forrow to his fin : Or,throwinghis garment 1ßZA P, over his head (which was thegarbofdeep mourners,z Sam.16.3o. Efth.6.12.) fo Theophyla55t expounds it. Or,prorupit infletum. He burft out and wept. Aft.$cMon. fol. rI 19.: aig.9%eópiiv: CHAP. XV. Verfe T. Andftrait way is themorning] `Hey thought once to have deferred his execution till after theFeaft, chap. 14.1. But their malice was wreflleffe : as his was that faid, he would not away till he faw theMartyrs (the tray- tours he calledhim) heart out. Verfe 6. Now at the Feaft) Or, at eachgreat Feaft :viz, at the Paffeover, Pentecoft, and Tabernacles, The reafonofthis cuftome fee inNotes onMatt.27.1 5. Verfe T 5. when he hadfcourged him] Purpofely to move the people to Pity him, and therefore brought him forth fomifufed with, Behold the man. But thiswas ill doneof Pilate nevertheleffe: As was alfohis comparing himwith Barabbas , though with in- tent ay fo to have deliveredhtm, for wemaynot do evill, that good arr comethereo£ ._._ Verfetiió