Chap.16. according to S` M A RK. 37 Verfe 2r. And-they compellone Simon] We all come off hea- vily, and (brink in the fhoulder when called-tocarry the Croffe, as cogent Peter did,7oh. 21.18. tow. The Father of Alexander andRufus] Men famoufly known in the Church, and therefore herebut named only. God will recom- penceeven involuntary fervices. Verfe 23. Wine mingledwith Myrrhe] This was not the fame potionwith that verle 36. andMatth. 27.48. but another. Verfe 33. `Darkneffe over the whole Land] Portending doubt- thofe dreadfull calamities that were coming upon this per- verfe people : according to Efay 5.30. & 8.22. Lam. 3. r, 2. But clearly (hewingGods heavy difpleafure againft his Son our Surety, which made him alto cryout with a loud voice in the next verfe,as one fo far forfaken, as not afforded the common-benefit ofSunne- light. Verfe 42. Theday before the Sabbath]Theirpreparation to the Sabbath began at threeaclock in the afternoon. The Jewes ofTi- Buxtorf. briar began their Sabbath fooner then others : thofe at Tfepphore continued it longer; adding de profano adfacrum. Among our Forefathers at the ringing of the Bell toPrayer on Saturday-eve- ning, the husbandman would give overhis labour in the field, and . the tradefman his work in the fhop, and fet themfelves toprep're for theSabbath. Verfe 43. Went inboldly unto Pilate] It was boldly done in- deed, thus to oppofe, not the Jewes only, but Pilate in that which he had done to Chrift. Goodblood will not bely it felf. CHAP. XVI. Verfe. 1, 2. e/idwhen the Sabbath Vacpat}] A SGod on the firfl day of the week drew the Worldout of that abhorredeft-ateof nothing', and brought light out of darkneffe : fo did Chrift, on that day, drawhis people out of an mà eftate worfe then nothing, andbrought life and immortality to light by the Gofßel. Verfe 4. AndWhenthey looked] Or,as fonte read it,when they lookedup : for till now they may feemeither tohave gone plod- ding onwith their eyes downward;. or elfe to have looked on one:. another, as people ufe todo when they are conferring._ Bee 3 Verfe8.