38 A Commenretty upon the GúJ el Chap. 16. Verfe 2. eArny thing to any. man] whom they met with , but battened' to the Difciples. Verfe 9. He appe redfaro] This honour done toMary Mae_ dalene, Markselatethmore at large then- the reft : though other- wife, moffly, hebe morebreif then the reft. Fcl ¿. Enchirid. Verfe 15. Treaèh the Go#el] Eckins,hence.'blafphemoufly- in tip. Ecclefu. ferre.th, that quiff did never command his Apofiles to write, but to preachonly. To everycreature] That is, to Man, who is a little world, an Epitome ofevery creature. 2. To the Gentiles alto , who had been denyed this favour of the Gofpel, as if they had been none ofGods creatures. Verfe r 6. He thatbeleeveth] That which you preach. And is baptized] As content to give uphimfelfto Chriff, and to receive his mark, making a publike profeflion ofthe faith. He that beleeveth not] He faith not, or, Ts not baptized; for it is not the want, but the contempt of baptifine that damneth. Únbeleef.is a bloody fin, Heb.ic, 26. a heavie fin,yoh.3.19. a moff ingratefull, inexcufable fìnne,loch as (huts a man up doleprifoner in the dark dungeon of the Law, unto unavoydable deffrudion, Gal.3.23. Verfe 18. It íbalt not hurt them]. No more (hall the deadly poyfonof (inne hurt thofe that have drunk it, if they belong to God; provided that they ca{t it up again quickly by Confeffion, and meddle nomore with fuch a mifcheif.