Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.'. A COMMENTARY O R EXPOSITIOX Upon the Ciofpel according to Saint L1.tKE. CHAP. I. Verte. z . Manyhave taken inband Mr' R, have attempted,but not eFfetied. Hence force have concluded,that Lukewrote firft ofthe four Evangelifts. Howbeit the common opinion is (and the moil; ancient copiesfay as much) that Matthew wrote his Gofpel eight yeers aftee Chriff,Marke, ten, Luke fifteen, and john forty two. Verfe 2. which from the beginning Were eye-witneffes] There- fore it may feem his Gofpel Was not dielated to him by Paul (who was no eye-witneffe) asforce Ancients have affirmed. But if we canbeleeveTacitus or Suetonim in things that fell out icing be- fore they were born, becaufe we are confident of their diligence in enquiring : howmuchmore should webeleeve Saint Luke up- on fuch doubted affurance, &c ? Verfe 3. Having had perfeE underf finding] Or, Following a them clofe at heels, (and as we fay) hot-foot. ,,,,. Prong