Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

40 . A Commentary upen the Gofiel Chap. ri Avw°sv, From the very (r/fl Or, from above, as infpired from heaven. a:; e. onto tiger iáe är'tier] Diftinelly, and yet cohærently. A Y,0 aI S. fingtilarpraife in anHiftorian,for the which, eAÍrnbrofe much ad, mireth thisour Evangeliftabovealithe other. Verfe 4. Wherein thou hat been inflraUed] Which thou haft mfii' iit. receivedby hearfay, or byword Ofmouth : and wherein thou haft been catechifed, receiving the rriyfteries of the faith by the mi- niftryofthe voyce. And finely when we feemen caring and,caft. inghow to finde out this certainty here fpoken of, andnot to be led by conjeeeturall fuppofitions, but be fullyperfwaded as St. Luke: was, and would have his TheoAlm tb be, then there will be fome hopes that the Lordsparts will increafe. .Verfe 5. In the dayes f Herod] Herod a ftrañger, tipon the deathof e"Intigonre , laft ofthe Maccabeans, by ef1uouflus his fa- vour, wasmadeKinggvf mica, and reigned 34. yeers. After his and his fonnes deatk,7nd a was again reduced into a Reiman Pró- .wince ; and the governmensthereof committed untoPontius Pi- late, then to Petrcniu.r, after him to Fcelix, Fefius, Albinus and Flortas, whofecruelty provoked theJewes to rebellion and warte, to their utter overthrow. Of the courfeof A6ia] Accotding tor their weekly waitings at the Altar; t Chun. 24. God would not havehis - -Minifters over- wrought, -though he .tegtxire'tthem to labour-æccording to their ftrength, evenunto laflitude. But how thanklelle is their labour, that dowilfully over-fpendtheanfelves.! Wife, 6:: rime Covrárasandenaents and Oedinances] That is, in all.tliadu,Eie ofhoththe.Morall and Ceremoniall Law. "AghttRoe. .$li meleljeJ Sine perela, faith the Vi4lgar, Without complaint. They neither complainedofothers, nor were complained of by C9wp.Elifab. others, As iris reportedof B.urleioh, LordTreafurer in Queen E- fe.49S. litiabeths reign, that he never hiedany man, nor did any man ever fue hurt : and was thereforein the number ofthole few, that both lived and died with:glory. Verfe ¡. Andthey haáno ch;ld] Whichwas thenheld an heavie jpdgement, as thatwhich rendred them fufpeeted of impiety : ffth Godlineffehadthe promife of increafe both within &Dares and without. Verfe 8. In the order of hiscourt] He took but his turn, and Served but his tine: God never purpofed to burthen anyofhis creatures with devotion. Verfe 9.