Glkp.,t, aceordmg to S` L u tL E. Verfe 9. To burn incenfe.] In the incenfc-ofprayer, 1y fweetfpicesa:re.barned together, by the fire-ofFaith , as humi, lity, love, &c ? Vtrfe I :Praying 'without, at the timeof iecen/c ] Cant. 3. (. the Church-is Paid to 'fend out of the wildernef fe of this world with pillars offmoa , -elnrionibm fumi, that is with affections., thoughts , dellres toward heaven. And although the be black as finoak , in regard of infirmities, yet hath the a principle to carry :her upwards. Verfe I r. Standingon the right fide of the Altar] As Satan zacíz.3.i. Rood at the right hand-of eha¡hu..zh to moleft him : So {land the Angels at our right hand , in the publick Affemblies efpeciallv to withfland him. And to lignifie this , the curtainsofthe Taber- nacle were wrought full of Cherubins within andwithout. Verfe is. He a:.ats- troubled] But without caufe: he fhould h«vebeen comforted rather ; for his fins were covered. How avi1l wicked men fland beforeChrift? Verle 13. For thy prayer st heard] Both fora Son, and for a Saviour. Verfe 14. Thou flalt havejoy] This is not everyfathcrs'hap- pineffe. Many fathers arc forced through greif for their un- towardchildren to with to die, as Elias did When he fat under the juniper : and as Mofes did whenwearied out by> the people '111 Smb.II.15. Verfe 15. Great in the fight of the Lord ] Signifcntur fn- auktrirqu edampr cfanria , ut Gen. 1 e. g. He thalbe Iingularly qualified. Verfe 16. Shall-he turn to the Lord] An high honour tohave any hand in the converíionoffouls. They that wife others (hall fine in heaven,'Dan.11.2. Verfe 17. In thefpirit andpower of Elias] There is a great a- greement between the times:of Elias and `john Baptiff. Herodan- iw.creth toAhab, Herodias toyezabel,&c. Thedifobedient to the-Wzfdom ofthejufl ] i. e. By his preaching he (hall turn the hearts ofthe Gentiles to the Jewes , and by his j3nrarcuçó Eaptifine tye themup, as it were, togerher. He made them (ac- avvtcxa,y- . cording to thephrafe that yofephus ufethof him)to convent or knit .Anti9.lira together in Baptifine. IS. c.?, Verfe 18. For Jam an oldman] Thus Reafon will beencroa- ching upon the bounds ofFaith , till thebe take,f captive by inli- Fff delity,