42 A Commentary upon the Collet Chap. z, delity. Drive therefore Hagar out of doors. Verfe 19. Thatfraud in theprefence ofgod], Vt apparitor, ab apparendo, ready preft to any fervice. Verfe 20. end behold thou(halt he dumb] His tongue that fo- lately moved through unbeleif is now tyed up. God will not paffe by thewell-meant weaknelfcs ofhis own, without a fenfible check. He was alto deaf as well as dumb:- hence they made ligns to him, verf.6a. Verfe 21. Thepeople waitedfor Zacharias] They would not a- waywithout thebleffing, prefcribed to the Preifts , Numb. 6. In theCouncell of Agathon it was decreed, that people should not prefumeto go out ofthe Temples,before theMinifters hadbleffed the Congregation. Verfe 22. He couldnot (ÿeak unto them] Hereupon a Divine thus defcants : Tacuit pater vocia & ceffit in miraculum : Vox fi fileat , cedit in contradiEtionem. Nunquid ague obmutefcit pater filino ? Johannes & Zacharias ? Neinquid & pneco mom eft ? Letus lean to thePapifis ( faith another) Miniftrorummu to officia , populi cieca obfequia , their Minifters , dumb Offices ;- theirpeoples, blind obedience. Verfe 23. Affoon ao the dayes,&c.] Zachary, though heceaf- ed to fpeak., yet he ceafed not to minifter. Though he were dumb , yethe was not lame,. but coulddo facrifices , and did it. We may not ftraight take occafionsof with-drawing our felves from the publick.fervices. Verfe 24. eflnd hid herfelfe] Obfcuremqua id fecerit ex eau- fa. Itshard to fay wherefore fhe did.this , faith a learned Inter - preter : but, likely, out ofmodelly; and that fhe may make no thew , till fhe were fore ; as alto that the miracle might ap- pear the greater. Verfe 25. Theo hash the Lord] She faw that all her prayers,. that the had haply forgot , were not loft , but laid upwith God,. who now fends in the blefl'ing , that the had defpairedof. The Lord oft loth things forhis people that they looknot for Ifaith 64. and (layes fo long , that when he comes , he finds not Faith, Luke 18.8. Verle 26.. Vnto aCity of Galilee ] God and his Angels can and out his hidden ones , pfal. 83.3 in what cornerof the coune try foever. Verfe 27, , fpoufed to man =., i The better tv. free her from. _ _ _ fuf ttiv svten.32, v