Chap. i. ncccrding to St L u K E. fufpitionoffornication. 2 That (hemight have one toprovide for her, when fhe was with Child. 3 That the mystery of Sen1m j7ee God manifefted in the flefh might come to light by little and fesfe little. Verfe 28. Haile thou thatart highly favoured] A falutation ,7Lc and not a prayer as Papifts pervert and abufe it. And when the eflve-11/_fary-Bell rings, which is at Sun-rifing, Noon, andSun- Letting, all men in what place foever, houfe, field, ftreet, or market do prefently kneel down , and fend up their united devo. Sands his Suc- tions to heaven by an Ave-Maria. Alto, where one fafteth on rey. Friday , which they count our Lordsday, many fait on Saturday, which they count our Ladies day. Verfe 29. She Was troubledat hisPaying ] Affea not thevain praifes of men, faith one. The blef ed Virgin was troubled, when truly praifedof an Angel. They (hall be praifed of An- gels in heaven , who have efchewed the praifes of men on earth. What manneroffalutation] Cujus effet (faith one Interpreter) voluit enim probare ¡iritum. Rualis6- quanta , faith another: Ideft , quam honorifica &magnifica , ac proinde fupra fortemfie- am pofita. What an honourable falutation it was, and more then The could acknowlodge. Verfe 3o. Fearenot Mary] We are not fit to hear, till quit ofcarnali affections and paflìons. The eare which taftes words, as the mouth dothmeat , when filled with choller or other ill hu- mours, can relifh no comfort. Verfe 3 I . Shalt call hisname ?efus ] See the Note on Matt. L. 21. If it were fuch a mercy to Ifrael that God raifed up of their Sonnes for Prophets , and of their young men for Nazarites , Amos 2. I I. What was it to .Mary and in her to all mankind, that the fhould be mother to theArch-prophet , to that famous Nazarite? Verfe 32. Sonne of the highefl ] Anfwerable to the Hebrew Elion, whence h7.ros for the funne , cujus antigeoifJîma veneratio, faithBeza, whom the.ancients deifie. Verfe 33. eflndof his Kingdom there fball be noend] St. Paul faith indeed that he (hall at the endof the world deliver up the Kingdome toGod the Father : not that hisKingdom (hall then ceafe, but that form of adminiftration only , that he now ufeth in thecol1eLting and conferving ofhis Church. F f f z Verfe 39.