44 d Commentary upon the Gofiel Chap, I Verfe 34. How jball this be ? ] This is a fpeech not. of unbeleif, but of wonderment., as detiring. alfo tobebetter. in- formed. Verfe 35. The power of thehighefl [balloverfhadow thee] As once he did the confufed Chaos in the Creation : This very ex- preflionwas a great confirmation to theVirgins faith, and may well fervefor a caution to us not to beover-curious in fearching into this fecret.. Verfe 36. tvho Was called barren]: It. is . obferved that the barrenwomen (fo called inboth Teflaments) had the belt Chil- dren as Sarah, Rebecca,. Rachel, Elizabeth, d-c.. becaufe long D.144/1's Con. held off, and much humbled. Some alto have obferved that the remplar.on the New Teflament affords more flore of good women then. the NewT;eft: Old. Verfe 37.. For withClod, &c. ] Wenever doubt of Gods will, but we do in force mealuredoubt ofhis power. See them both running paralell, ?ob 42.2. Stajfords Fe- Verfe 38. Behold the handmaidof the Lord] Not Mall Gods wale Glory, maid,-as.a black-mouthed Blaterohathblafphemed inprint , that the Puritans rudelycall her. Verfe 39. Into the hill-country] OfJuda , fouthward of.Jeru- falem, into the Cityof Hebron, 7ojh.21.9. Verfe 4o. Saluted Elizabeth] To whom file could not rat till file had imparted.the good newes , and both given and re- ceived fomefpirituall gift for mutual! confirmation and comfort, Rom. i. 11,12 Greif grower greater by concealing, joy by ex- preffion. Only the meeting of Saints in heaven can pa.rallellthe . meetingof.thefe.two couzens.. Verfe 41. The babe leaptin her womb], Such- comfort there is in the prefence of. Chrift (though. but in the womb ) as it made john to fpring.. What then fhall it be in heaven , think we? Verfe 42. Bleff°ed art thou amongwomen] So is 7ael the wife of Heber faid tobe, fudg._5.24. who yet perhaps was hardly fo good a woman as Deborah , that calledher fo.. But it was no fmall confirmation to the bleffed Virgin , to hear the fame words from Elizabeth , . that fhe, heard before . from the An gell. . e And bleffed is thefruit, be.] Or. , becaufe bleffêd it thefruit of thy womb therefore bleffedRrt thostil-e. Verfe 43