Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. r. according to St E. u'KE. 45 Verfe 43. That the mother of my Lord, &c.] That the Lord himfelf fhould come amongíl us , as he flefb,. andBoth dill by his Spirit, Ohwhat a mercy 1` Verfe 44 Leaped in my womb ] More like a fuckling at the aQáQosPuerre thebreaft (as theword fignifieth) thenan Embryo. in thewomb. J nark,. TheSpirit then worketh , even in unborn babes that are cleft , r pet, a.z. force kind offavingknowledge ofChrifl, anfwerable to faith in thofe that are grown nix. Verfe 45. hlefedisJhe, . ] Mary beleeved : fo.didnot Za- chary , though a man , a Preift, aged learned., eminent , and, the meffage tohim ofmore appearing poffibility. This, Eliza- beth here feems to have an eye to. Beleeved that therefball be,c.] The fame may be faidofevery beleiver. It is truealfo in cafes ordinary: Aperfwafion that God will help and keep us will indeed help and keep us, Mare 9. 23. Verfe 46. AndMary faid]. Seethebenefit ofgood fociety, and how one Chriftian kindleth another. As Iron íharpneth iron, fo doth the face ofa manhis freind Prov. 2.7 Dothmagnifie the Lord] Makes roome for him , enlargeth her me?%vved, thoughts ofhim:, throwes wideopen the everlaftingdoors, that the King.of glorymay come in, inState.. My fpirit rejoyceth ] Tripudiat , . danceth a galliard ( which 4%4t4a°6= feemeth to come from the Greek word here ufed ) danceth.;, Levaltoes in God, or for Godmy Saviour, as the matterand sraper neo. ground of my joy. Verfe 48. The loweftate ] Vilitatem, thevile andabjeft con- See $e<,a d.tion. Contra Mania merita , qua. predicant. Papicola. Here's not. in lac. no mention ofmerit. e.41/generationsJhall call me bleffed ].. How much more fhould we withone mind and one mouth bleffe. God the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift ? This is an honour that he mach. fl:andeth Upon,Rom. i 5. 6. Verfe 49 He that is mighty 3. jtri The mighty f}rong o'wva,+; God. Hath donegreat things for me] No fmall things can fall front fogreat a hand. He gives life himfe!£ . .elndHoly ishis Name]. God that is holy is tobe hclineffè, Ifaiah 5, 16. when men fee their children efpecially (as here), the_ . work,. ofGods hands, Ifaiah 29, z3, f 3 Verf c