rá Comineatar, upon the Go' el Chap. I. Verfe 5'o. From generation to generation] Perfonall goodnefte is profitable to pofterity. Verfe 51. He bath f73ereed flrength, &c.] It appears by the whole frame ofthisholy Fong , that the blellèd Virginwas well verged iu the Scripture, which the here makes fo much ufe ofin fundry paffages. She was eruditionis pietatis modefli e deli iysna, as one fpeakethof the Lady lane (fray. He bath f tattered the proud ] He by his (trong Arme hath fo fplitted them , that they (hiver into peeces .: or hath made them as darts , which being among the enemies, are loft : or bath hurled them hither and thither, as the wind doth the duff of the mountains. Verfe 52. He bathput domne the mighty] As he did Bajazet the proudTurk, and let up Tamberlaine a Stythian fhepheard ; whoPaid that he was fent from heaven to punifh Bajazets ra(h- neffe ; and to teach him that the proud are hated of God , whole promife is to pluck down the mighty, and raife up the lowly. Verfe 53. He hath filled the hungry ] See the Note on Matto. 5.6. Verfe 54. He bathholpen fervant ] He hath put under his hand, and railed himproftrate, taken him up at his feet. This he will not do for an evill doer : he taketh not the ungodly by the hand, Job 8.20. Verfe 55. eAs he flak i t e to our fathers] Who lived upon rever- fions , and dyed upon the promifes , accounting them good free -hold. God keeps promife with nights and dayes, pere- srsiuh 33.2c. 25, Howmuch more will he, with Abraham,andhis feed for ever ? Verfe 56. ,1ndreturned to her oWnhoufe ] An honeft heart is where its calling is. Such a one , whenhe is abroad , is like a 11 h in the aire ; whereinto if it leap for recreation or neceility , yet it loon returnsto itsown element. Verfe 57. And foe brought forth a Jenne] The voice of the Lord maketh the Hinder tocalve, Pfal. 29.9. thoughof all other bruit creatures they bring forth with great trouble , bowing themfelves , bruiting their young , and callingout their forrows, yob 39. 4. 6. How much more will he help his dear hand- maids? Verfe 58. The LardhadJbowedgreat mercy] And the greater, becaufe