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Chap. I. according to St Lu K É. 47 becaufe in her old age. Births , with thofe that are ancien.. ter, are with greater danger : fo is the new birth in old Inners. Verfe 59. To Circumcife thechild] Infants are no innocents, they are conceived in fin, and the firft sheetor blanket wherewith theyare covered is woven offin, .{hame, blond and filth, Ezek; i 6. 4.6. They were Circumcífed, to lignifie that we had bettet be flayed, and have our skinquite ftript off,then to haue it as a skin- bottlehanging in the fmoak of filthy delires ,. and blown full of unclean motions with the breath ofSatan. Verfe 6o. HeThall be calledJohn ] Bucer here obferveth that- he that was high Preift when Salomonbuilt the Temple , was cal- Bucer.inloc. led yohn : and that there washerein a fweet fuitableneffe. Pul- chre vero connenit , faith he , ut quo nomine facerdos Salomonis typiei , hoc veri vocaretur : that the Type and Truthmight accord in the veryname. Verfe 61. There is none of thy kindred ] There is an inbred . delire inus all of immortality : we would eternize our names,, and do therefore call our children, cities, lands, &c. after them , Pfal.49.11. But they dobelt that get affurance that their names are written inheaven. They that depart from God fball be written in the earth,jeremiah 17.13. as Cains fon, LordEnoch ofEnoch, çenefis 4. And thofe men of renown, renefs ai. 4. were. Verfe 62. erInd they made fignes ro hisfather ] Who therefore Teems tohave been deaf ( as well as dumb) becaufe he had not hearkned to the Angels fpeech, but gain-laied it. Verfe 63. Andhe askedfor awriting-table ] Tabellam fc. ce- ratam , inqua olimfiylofcribebatur, faith Sa. He had anexcellent faculty ofwhomMartiall reporteth, Currant verbaliver, minus off veocior ill : Martial lib.,4. Et vix linguafuum, dextraperegit opus. de Notorio. Verfe 6q. e ndhefakeandpraifed (Joel] And hadhe had as manytonguesas he had hairs upon his head, he could never have fufhciently praifedGod for his fon , but efpecially for his Savi- our. See i Timothy 1.15, 16,17. Zachary beleeveth and there- fore fpeaks, Pfal.116. io. the tongue of the dumb fangs, Ifaiah 35. 6. Verfe 65. Andfeare came on all] This was either the fear of admiration at themany ftrange accidentsabout the birth ofthe. $aptilt;