48 R Commentary Ion táe tiofjiel Chap: t. Ludolf, de vita'Baptit ; or thefear of.ptinifhment, feeing fo good anman,asZa: brifü. chary fo long to have fafferedfor his unheleef. Verfe 66. And thehandofthe Lord] That is, his grace and bleí ng. He had the "honour to be Legis .gratia fibula , as Chryfolog s hathit; the buckle and boundary of the Law and Gofpel. Verfe 67. wasfilled-ith the Holy C¡'hof, andprophecyed ] This was a.plentifull amends for the late loife ofhis fpeech. See here thegoodneífe ofGod to all his ; 2ibur non folum ablata refti- twit' fed infperata concedit ( .faith Ambrófe) Ille dudum mums mrophetat. Qodis'bettertohis then theirhopes. Verfe 68. Blefedbe theLord godofIfraal ] This is Hymnui Evangelicifmus., fay both Racer and 'Pelikan. Anroft Evan- gelicall Canticle. Redeemed his people] From the wrathofGod over them ; the guilt andpower offin within them; from Satan and the punifh- anent offin without them. Verfe 69. An harne of alvation ] A Cornu-copia, ora migh- tySaviour, qui inftar bovù cornupeta inimicospopuliDei profter- rfcst, .nat atque dejiciat, that can beltir him muchbetter then that Hee- goate, Alexander thegteat,who had a notablehorn betweenhis ,eyes , wherewith he caft down the Ramme to the ground and .Ramped upon him, Ztc. Dan. 8. 7. Macedones tune temporù e/Lgeades, id eft caprini dit'i funt. Occafionem vide Jultin, TheMacedones were at that timecalled 'Coatefprung. Verfe 7o. By the mouth] There mere many Prophets, yet had they all but one mouth: fo fweet is their harmony. Verfe-7r:. That we fbsuld belaved] Cr. Salvation from ourenemies. This properly importeth the privative part of mans happineffe, but includes the pofitive too. Verfe 72. Toperforme themercy] Gods love moves him to promife , his truth binds him to performe. See both thefe, 2 Sam. 7. 18. 2r . For thy wordsfake and according to thine ovine heart : (that is , exmero motu) hafte thou done all thefe things. Verfe 73. The oathwhichbefivare]Iggc(9-quafi çSue- ahedge, which a man maynot break : much leíle will God. Verfe 74. Might ferve him] Servati fumus ut ferviamus. .Chrift hath therefore broke the devils yoke from of our necks, that we may take upon its this fweet yoke, andnot carryourfelves as.fons ofRelial. Verfe